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The Power of Equanimity
by John Henry • The virtue of Equanimity is so powerful in its nature because it helps us control our thoughts. Every thought, word, and action that emanates from us is creating the world that we live in. It is an awesome responsibility to be a true human in this...
Cast Your Cares Away
by Valerie King • One recent Saturday I was reflecting on an extremely intense week. Work was so stressful, and my body wasn’t feeling well either. In short, I felt exhausted mentally and physically. It seemed that there was no end to the trials and worries of life....
Light on Sunburst Sanctuary – Opening the Gates Once Again!
Light on Sunburst Sanctuary – Opening the Gates Once Again! • Appropriately for the change in seasons, Sunburst opened its gates to participants in two gatherings this past weekend. On Saturday, the Sacred Geometry Workshop delighted participants with various...
Light & Love
by Craig Hanson • Let’s greet that Light. Let’s embrace the diversity of all cultures, of all God’s children for truly that Light within our souls, which is the pure Self, is the light in every created being. The sun we see outside of us today, winking at us...
Rosh Hashanah – An Invitation to Introspection
“A lesson will repeat itself until you learn it.” – Anonymous • An Invitation to Introspection From ancient Babylonian times, some Semitic societies have observed a time of repentance during the harvest season. It’s a time to search one’s heart and draw closer to...
Practicing Contentment and Non-Attachment
by John Kiddie • When we’re dependent upon external factors such as relationships, jobs, finances, etc. for our sense of well-being, we naturally have a strong investment in things turning out a particular way. By doing this we most likely create suffering for...
Happiness is How You Arrange Your Mind • Anonymous The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o’clock with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup applied (even though she is legally blind) moved to a nursing home...
Making Connections
“Normality is a paved road; it’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.” – Vincent van Gogh Life has certainly not felt very normal for a while. But we can still make nourishing connections for ourselves. Often, when we’re on a spiritual path it can...
Emotions & Healing
Through depression and many other dark low emotions, our Light dims and our immune system declines along with it. – Jacqueline Ripstein by Fredd Dunham • Scientists studying the effect of the mind and body on the immune system worked with...
We Are Beings of Light
by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • With the consistent practice of meditation, contemplation and prayer, the existence of the divine Presence within you begins to unfold. You will eventually be able to identify the light that Jesus spoke of, shining behind the...