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Mercy, Strength, Love

Mercy, Strength, Love

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  •  All things move in parallels. Divine truths repeat themselves eternally. As creation was given birth, so was each one of us. The creation is macrocosmic; each of us is microcosmic; but essentially both are identical. Each son...

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The Ever-Present Now

The Ever-Present Now

•  The founder of Sunburst, Norman Paulsen, was born on February 3. His wife and successor, Patty Paulsen, wrote: Happy Birthday Norm! It’s hard to believe so many years have passed since you left your earthly body, but I know you are ever-present, for there is...

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Your Hidden Gifts & Talents

Your Hidden Gifts & Talents

•  by Dawn King  •  Our world is changing so fast around us. Today, a child in Africa, India or Siberia with a smartphone has access to more information than the leaders of the world had not so long ago. It’s an exciting time to live in, one in which the future is...

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