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A Divine Seed
• by John Kiddie • We are each the farmer, and we are each the garden. A seed has been planted within us and is growing. it is the divine embryo, the birthplace of Christ consciousness within. The farmer takes care of his seed, protecting it from harm. He gives it...
Delving Into the Mystery
• by Valerie King •  Every soul, even such great ones as Jesus of Nazareth and Gautama the Buddha when entering into life upon this world, must work through all levels of consciousness, from simple consciousness through self-consciousness, finally to regain Christ...
If We Remain Steadfast
• by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • I Am That I Am, Mother-Father, will create us anew while yet we live, if we will allow, if we will remain steadfast, and if we but seek. One is afraid to die for fear of losing the body, but one, in seeing the pure Self...
Find Peace, Joy, and Direction!Â
By Dawn King •  My feet hardly seemed to touch the warm earth during my first months at Sunburst in 1972. Performing simple daily chores—from expanding gardens to cooking in the rustic kitchen—I floated over rocky hill and murmuring creek at sunny Sunburst Farm. I...
Mercy, Strength, Love
by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • All things move in parallels. Divine truths repeat themselves eternally. As creation was given birth, so was each one of us. The creation is macrocosmic; each of us is microcosmic; but essentially both are identical. Each son...
You Have Such a Teacher
• by Valerie King •  When I was seventeen, I fell in love with God. The taste of Spirit had come to me in meditations, and I had to have more! I prayed for a guide who knew the way up the mountain of God. Miraculously, I was led to Sunburst and its founder Norman...
Loving Our Best Friend
• by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder •  The Divine beloved can and does relate and communicate on an individual, personal level. The more you seek to know and love God and pray to feel that Presence, the more (s)he responds to you. God is the Presence, the pure...
The Ever-Present Now
• The founder of Sunburst, Norman Paulsen, was born on February 3. His wife and successor, Patty Paulsen, wrote: Happy Birthday Norm! It’s hard to believe so many years have passed since you left your earthly body, but I know you are ever-present, for there is...
Your Hidden Gifts & Talents
• by Dawn King • Our world is changing so fast around us. Today, a child in Africa, India or Siberia with a smartphone has access to more information than the leaders of the world had not so long ago. It’s an exciting time to live in, one in which the future is...
Light on Sunburst Sanctuary – Stand Unshaken
Light on Sunburst Sanctuary – Stand Unshaken • Master Yogananda has told us: "You must learn to stand unshaken amidst the crash of breaking worlds." In that spirit we carry on at Sunburst Sanctuary. In fact, we are making the best of it, letting “breaking worlds”...