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The Experience of God

The Experience of God

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  •  Millenniums ago there were societies on the planet in which the peoples possessed what we call cosmic consciousness. Every individual knew God face to face. They knew the mechanics of how creation began, and the laws that were...

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Never Alone

Never Alone

by Dawn King  •  Sometimes I’ve felt very isolated. At others I’ve experienced spiritual drought. That’s when I just have to keep on keeping on, one foot in front of the other. Showing up is 99% of success—I must show up every day for meditation, that communion with...

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Wake UP, Wise UP, Grow UP, Show UP

Wake UP, Wise UP, Grow UP, Show UP

Join the UP-wising -- Wake UP, Wise UP, Grow UP, Show UP    by Swami Beyondananda  •  Now as you know, there are two kinds of mystics in the world: the optimystics and the pessimystics. The pessimystics tell us "the sky is falling!" The optimystics say, "No... it only...

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by Catherine Mauron “God has complete freedom, so He made mortals…and endowed them with partial freedom and choice. Man has limited freedom and choice because he is a part of God and has to develop himself before he can reflect Spirit completely. God is absolute; man...

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