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Five Guidelines for Living

Five Guidelines for Living

From Lahiri Mahasaya’s teachings • Consider yourself very humble. This means one should do service, prayers, and maintain a feeling of being a servant of all. • Always do satsanga – associate with spiritually oriented people, inquire into the nature of yourself, and...

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Light on Sunburst Sanctuary

Light on Sunburst Sanctuary

Light on Sunburst Sanctuary - Amidst the Wild Things Our trail camera captured this photo of a mountain lion walking at midday on a popular, though somewhat remote Sanctuary path. Yes, Sunburst Sanctuary is an intentional wildlife sanctuary, as well as a sanctuary for...

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This Great Show

This Great Show

by Jake Collier  •  We refer to life here as being part of the show. In this great show that goes on every microsecond of time, there are heroes and villains, there’s drama and action, and there’s sometimes seemingly insurmountable obstacles. When we go to a movie, we...

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