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Fulfill the Longing!

Fulfill the Longing!

“Whatever it is you’re seeking won’t come in the form you’re expecting.” –  Haruki Murakami •  by Jonathan King  •  As spiritual seekers, each one of us is like a little child, who has been separated from our parents. We have grown up living our lives searching,...

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Soul Resurrection

Soul Resurrection

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  •  I was so blessed to have been led as a young man to my teacher, Paramahansa Yogananda. Many years ago, he was planning to take me along on a steamship voyage to India. He even sent me shopping to get the right suit for the trip....

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A Holy Week of Celebrations

A Holy Week of Celebrations

This weekend is shared by many religious communities as an important time of traditional celebration. Since Sunburst is non-denominational and honors all the world’s great religions, let’s learn about and honor the high points of their celebrations in this season....

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Light on Sunburst Sanctuary

Light on Sunburst Sanctuary

Light on Sunburst Sanctuary  –  Spring Equinox  •  by Letha Kiddie  •  This year as we celebrated another spring equinox at the Sunburst Labyrinth, my thoughts turned to the deeper meaning of Equinoxes, a time of finding balance. It seems especially important this...

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Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

By Letha Kiddie  •  Whenever you desire a change of energy, or more clarity in your life, addressing your physical surroundings is a good place to start. This works any time of the year. The best place to begin is the front entrance of your home. Make it visually...

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Who Am I?

Who Am I?

by Valerie King  •  If you sit down and are still, you start hearing the thoughts moving across your mind, like a river – an endless river. Thoughts, feelings, emotions, pains from the past and worries of the future. But is this really who you are? These are like...

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