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Cultivating a Meditation Practice
by Heiko Wirtz • Many people think about developing positive habits that will help them build a strong spiritual practice. When I think about that, I realize that it really starts with devotion and inward connection. When I was younger, I read in “The Autobiography...
by Valerie King • Letting your eyelids gently close, look to that place in front of you, the screen upon which the inner-dimensional tunnel and star of Christ first appears. As you become conscious of your breathing, become conscious of your thoughts slowing and...
Helping Others
by Sunburst Friend and Vedic Astrologer James Kelleher • Helping people is a good thing to do, but it can be complicated. Sometimes the person doesn’t want the help you want to give. Sometimes they are even literally unable to accept help. Other times, you think...
Developing A Divine Relationship
• by Jonathan King • The Sunburst congregation is such an intimate group of people who I love so much. We’ve been together for so long and we help each other so much. I want to acknowledge how blessed we are to have each other, that Spirit has brought us together,...
The Joy of Life
by Barbara McCaughey • An idea from Helen Keller’s autobiography popped into my head as I pumped gas into my car. She said that if we made it a habit to notice what we’re grateful for, there wouldn’t be enough moments in a day to acknowledge each blessing. This was...
Preparing the Vessel
by Norman Paulsen • The wonderful experiences that I have been blessed with were given to me for one reason only. Through all my trials, my heart never desisted from loving and seeking my divine Mother-Father. No matter what I was doing, good or bad, I could never...
by David Adolphsen • Sometimes when we reflect upon ourselves sitting on this small planet revolving around the sun, within a solar system within a galaxy, within a universe full of galaxies, we can feel rather insignificant. We can wonder to ourselves, “How can my...
Finding & Trusting Guidance
by Dawn King • Perhaps you are like me, finding yourself trying to sort out the true from the untrue. Each day we are presented with a barrage of information and influencers, as well as personal decisions large and small that require knowing the truth. We each want...
Virgo the Maiden
by Dawn King • From the earliest human cultures, fertility and gathering food were given sacred status. Early Amerindians revered the Corn Mother. Starting in ancient Sumeria the Virgo Maiden became associated with recording the harvest; thus the mental skills of...
I Look for You in Every Face
• A Prayer by Norman Paulsen • Oh Divine Comforter, No matter how difficult the path, I know You have blessed me with the faculties By which I am able to bear what comes to pass. As I journey homeward, Please hear my soul calling. I will pursue You every moment of...