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We Thank You, Oh God

We Thank You, Oh God

• a group meditation prayer, by Norman Paulsen  •  Almighty Spirit, your light and energy moves through our bodies and minds. Fill us abundantly with your love. Let us see you face-to-face, brilliant like the sun, shining within the upper chamber of our minds. What a...

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Dealing with Fear

Dealing with Fear

•  by Barbara McCaughey & Dawn King  •  Around the end of October, ancient Celts celebrated summer's end, and the start of a new year. This time was also a window into the spirit world, a time when departed souls could visit Earth again. Afraid, some people began...

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Facing Our Demons

Facing Our Demons

by Dawn King  •  My constant prayer is to see people and things through God’s eyes. One day I walked into a room at my house and saw it for the mess that it was. Instead of ignoring it, I needed to tackle a big clean up and declutter at my house, one I’d been putting...

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We Seek to Know You

We Seek to Know You

A Prayer by Norman Paulsen  •  Mighty Spirit, Mighty Beloved, Divine Mother and Father, we, your children, love you—our life, our Creator. We seek to hear your voice. We seek to know you as a son or daughter should know their mother and father. We know you are alive...

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The Power of Equanimity

The Power of Equanimity

by John Henry  •  The virtue of Equanimity is so powerful in its nature because it helps us control our thoughts. Every thought, word, and action that emanates from us is creating the world that we live in. It is an awesome responsibility to be a true human in this...

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Cast Your Cares Away

Cast Your Cares Away

by Valerie King  •  One recent Saturday I was reflecting on an extremely intense week. Work was so stressful, and my body wasn’t feeling well either. In short, I felt exhausted mentally and physically. It seemed that there was no end to the trials and worries of life....

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