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Are We There Yet?
• by Valerie Joy King • A common question was asked of us at Sunburst during our Founder Norm Paulsen’s last years. “How many of you besides Norman are Christ conscious [meaning spiritually fully awakened]?” This question tickles my funny bone, because we feel as...
The Rewards of Selfless Service
• Jake Collier • There’s a Zen saying: Before enlightenment I chopped wood and carried water. After enlightenment, I chopped wood and carried water. This quote really rings true. We’re here not to escape this world, but to be a vehicle for divine Spirit to...
Tithing Is True Prayer
• by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • Prayer and meditation, alone or with others, attracts divine Spirit’s attention. As we pray and meditate, God can appear before us brilliant like the sun! This is the subjective light, the very face of I Am That I Am. God may...
Finding Calm Amidst Chaos
• by Dawn King • You may find yourself, as I do, feeling that this is a season of chaos. If not, you may find that happening soon as the busyness of the holiday season and its demands crescendoes. It’s a season in which we need to find a calm center within...
Inspired Halloween Duo
The Wisdom of Owls • by Sunburst Founder, Normal Paulsen • In my evening meditation, I prayed that divine Mother and Father inspire me anew, to put me on my feet and let me move forward. I was awakened in my sleep by that brilliant light of Christ that I have beheld...
• by Craig Hanson • On life’s journey toward understanding our true nature, trials, misunderstandings and difficult times may beset us. As we weather these trials and learn many lessons, we may hope that we can help others with what we have gleaned from our...
Experience the Divine!
by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • Our Divine Creator is present in every image, living in every cell of our bodies, swirling in every atom, existing around every thought. But we are given the power to think and to make our own choices. Our Divine Mother and...
Judgement & Humility
• Dawn King (text & illustrations) • It’s interesting to reflect on the judgmental biases that we each acquire from the environment in which we grow up. Today a long-forgotten memory came to mind while I was cleaning my bathroom. Many years ago when Sunburst...
Whatever I Do
"I am the owner of my actions, heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and have my actions as my arbitrator. Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that I will fall heir." - Gautama Buddha These words remind us that we are each...
Revelations in Meditation
• by Norman Paulsen, Founder of Sunburst (photo shown) • In your deep meditations, you can sometimes see your body as a shadowy form filled with scintillating tiny stars. When you see this, your consciousness is beginning to merge with cosmic mind, God’s mind....