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God Gave Us a Clue
By Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • Our two physical eyes can see the dual universe God has created, but they cannot see God. Meditation reverses the process, as you bring your gaze inward and to a single point. In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus says, "When you make...
Lunch with God
Anonymous • A little boy wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with a bag of corn chips and a some root beers and started his journey. When he had gone about three blocks, he met an old woman. She was sitting in...
Meditation Moment
by Emily Wirtz • I invite you to experiment with a practice that I have found tremendously helpful. First, in quiet meditation, with intention, direct your attention within to listen for the vibration of AUM (sometimes written “Om”), your direct link with Spirit....
Walking on Earth
by Dawn King • So much of our time is spent in our minds, on technology—not fully conscious of our bodies or of being on this Earth. Spring is a great time to wake up to the physical world in which we live. It will help us find the magical subtle worlds that exist...
Creating Heaven on Earth
by Norman Paulsen • When we become aware of the cosmic forces existing Within and around us, we begin to receive divine imagination, the creative will of God. By using inspired imagination we can visualize and create mental images. Observing them to be rooted in...
Conversing With God
by Fredd Dunham • Brother Lawrence became a monk in the seventeenth century. His whole life was devoted to practicing God’s presence. When he worked in the kitchen he said he loved to cook and clean for his fellow monks. Although at first he disliked the chores, he...
Embrace the Journey
• by Dawn King • Spiritual illumination is not something one can “acquire” or “arrive” at. It is a journey that never ceases to surprise, delight, inspire, and refresh the soul. How so? Each of us finds that life is leading us forward toward illumination, if we...
Transforming Karma
• by Jake Collier • What an incredible imagination the Great Spirit has—to not only bring into being all of creation, but to have the imagination to create these amazing bodies, our earthly temples. Sometimes we might ask ourselves, “Why is the energy of karma...
Love Is in Our Hearts
• by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • In our deep meditations, each one of us can sit in the presence of I Am That I Am, our Creator, our beloved Father and Mother. We are all connected in that energy, in that wondrous Spirit. Like the wind, it blows life through...
Developing Spiritual Desire & Devotion
• by Barbara McCaughey • Paramahansa Yogananda used to say to his disciples, “Get devotion!” But with this admonition, he also gave them practical ways to accomplish that goal. To nurture devotion, he encouraged them to practice the meditation techniques they had...