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Insights From India
• by James Kelleher • Author of 2 books on Vedic Astrology, James gives us a glimpse into the focused mind of a deep meditator. At the moment we are passing through Dwapara Yuga, an age which is characterized by the growth of science and technology. Dwapara Yuga...
Compassionate Communication
• by Valerie Joy King • It’s vital to remember how powerful our thoughts are and how much we influence others just by the way we think about them. If we’re having difficulty with another person, it’s an incredibly powerful thing to visualize their positive attributes...
Buddha’s Birthday!
Each year a special full moon occurs in May. If there are 2 full moons, it is the second of these and declared the celebration of Wesak, or Buddha’s commemoration. The name Wesak is derived from the Sanskrit name for this particular month. Buddhist temples, decorated...
The Divine Within You
• by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • In our self-conscious state of mind, we often think our Creator is so far away, someplace other than within us. We think: “Maybe It’s out there in space…” or “He’s on a mountaintop.” The Divine’s consciousness inhabits the...
Brigid of Kildare
• by Dawn King • Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17th) is celebrated in many parts of the world. Lesser known is his contemporary, Ireland’s patroness, Saint Brigid of Kildare, also known as Bridget of Ireland. These two figures of renown lived around the year five...
Growing Healthy Habits
• by Jake Collier (with Dawn King) • The bodies we inhabit are incredible creations, more sophisticated than any supercomputer. Part of the Creator’s plan is that vital actions in these bodies can be carried out without us having to think of them every time they’re...
Divine Patience
• by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • To have God present in our lives every day, we tune in before we go outward to do our work. To meditate in the morning with the rising sun is to bring the sweetness of God’s presence into our life for the whole day; to...
Alive In Every Place
by John McCaughey • The other day it was a bright sunny day at the ranch, and I was washing off a piece of equipment near some pine trees. I’ve been particularly fond of these trees and knew I could take the time to give them a bath and a drink at the same time. I...
Finding Calm Within
• by Dawn King • Sometimes we find ourselves swept up in the frantic pace of today’s demands. It can throw us off center, make us feel out of sorts or overwhelmed. Each moment we have the opportunity to bring our consciousness back to the calm center of...
Your Mind and Your Ego
• by Eckhart Tolle (excerpted from “The Power of Now”) • Your mind [thinking] is an instrument, a tool. It is there to be used for a specific task, and when the task is completed, you lay it down. Most people’s thinking is not only repetitive and useless, but...