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Divine Mother

Divine Mother

by Joe Belton (edits and photo by Dawn King)  •  As I step outside into a beautiful morning, divine Mother’s presence in the creation is so obvious. We see the reflection of divine Mother in our Mother Earth. She provides for us, takes care of us, gives us food and...

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Light on Sunburst Sanctuary

Light on Sunburst Sanctuary

Light on Sunburst Sanctuary • Lush Nature  • Compared to much of the Southwest, Sunburst Sanctuary is lush and green today (May 7, 2021). The horses are grazing in tall green gasses. Some mowing is a must, although it’s already been done at least once this year,...

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Sunburst Leadership

Sunburst Leadership

by Valerie King  •  A number of years ago, Sunburst's Founder, Norman Paulsen, received an answer to his prayers concerning the leadership of Sunburst for that time when he would be watching us "from the other side." Norm wrote down his wishes for the future guidance...

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Nourishing Our Earth

Nourishing Our Earth

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  •  The Christ consciousness looks forward to the day when all beings on this planet will possess it again, when this Earth, the natural garden, will be cared for and appreciated, where divine architecture will again appear,...

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Studying Nature

Studying Nature

~ by Craig Hanson  ~  Some years ago I had the good fortune to travel to England. I spent an early morning meditating inside the enormous, ancient stone circle at Stonehenge. It’s very easy to feel the two divine forces there—one vortex descending through the crown of...

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