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The Tunnel of Light
• by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • Many people who have had near-death experiences have miraculously returned, describing seeing their physical forms on a hospital operating table or in a serious accident situation. At the same time, they describe seeing a...
Spirit in Action
& the Power of Visualization and Prayer • All of California was in such a bad drought, reservoirs and creeks near empty, and just about everyone was visualizing and hoping for rain,... and rain we got all at once!!! “Why?” we might ask, “Why do these things...
• by Trish Dunham • Today (January 5) is the anniversary of our teacher Paramahansa Yogananda’s birthday. Sunburst recognizes the virtue of Temperance in association with the current zodiacal month of Capricorn. Temperance can mean many things, from living a...
Divine Evolution
• Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • An evolution of consciousness has been going on for millenniums, as human forms have moved from simple consciousness (animal instinct) to self consciousness (ego: the sense of a separate self). Humanity now stands on the...
Are We There Yet?
• by Valerie Joy King • A common question was asked of us at Sunburst during our Founder Norm Paulsen’s last years. “How many of you besides Norman are Christ conscious [meaning spiritually fully awakened]?” This question tickles my funny bone, because we feel as...
The Rewards of Selfless Service
• Jake Collier • There’s a Zen saying: Before enlightenment I chopped wood and carried water. After enlightenment, I chopped wood and carried water. This quote really rings true. We’re here not to escape this world, but to be a vehicle for divine Spirit to...
Tithing Is True Prayer
• by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • Prayer and meditation, alone or with others, attracts divine Spirit’s attention. As we pray and meditate, God can appear before us brilliant like the sun! This is the subjective light, the very face of I Am That I Am. God may...
Finding Calm Amidst Chaos
• by Dawn King • You may find yourself, as I do, feeling that this is a season of chaos. If not, you may find that happening soon as the busyness of the holiday season and its demands crescendoes. It’s a season in which we need to find a calm center within...
Inspired Halloween Duo
The Wisdom of Owls • by Sunburst Founder, Normal Paulsen • In my evening meditation, I prayed that divine Mother and Father inspire me anew, to put me on my feet and let me move forward. I was awakened in my sleep by that brilliant light of Christ that I have beheld...
• by Craig Hanson • On life’s journey toward understanding our true nature, trials, misunderstandings and difficult times may beset us. As we weather these trials and learn many lessons, we may hope that we can help others with what we have gleaned from our...