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Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a Legacy

By Ischa Lea A dear friend, Rita, once shared with me one of the best questions one can ever ask oneself when adversity strikes: “Lord, where have I not been in integrity.” My humble friend never realized what great teaching she was imparting to me. Those words,...

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Celebrating Christ-Mass

Celebrating Christ-Mass

– Paramahansa Yogananda, "Man's Eternal Quest" The parallelisms of Christ's teachings with Yoga-Vedanta doctrines strongly support the records known to exist in India, which state that Jesus lived and studied there during fifteen of the unaccounted-for years of his...

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God Has Gentle Hands

God Has Gentle Hands

by Leela The Almighty could smash His fists into every situation and set it straight, fix everything, yet God's Loving hands support me from behind veils of ignorance and blankets of desires. Those huge gentle hands, cradling me; teaching me to spread my hands to...

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Seeking Guidance

Seeking Guidance

By Ischa Lea Many years ago, I took a short leave from my job to explore the Tampa, Florida area. I was very excited at the possibility of moving from New Jersey to a warmer climate. More importantly, I wanted to live closer to friends and relatives. Having listened...

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An Unforgettable Weekend

An Unforgettable Weekend

By Ischa Lea Sunburst’s founder, Norman Paulsen, once wrote, “If God is indeed all things, then all images should be treated with respect. With this in mind, waste not that which God has created. Be temperate in all pursuits.” The virtue of Temperance and good Earth...

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