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Try to Do Your Best!

Try to Do Your Best!

~ by Jesse McCaughey ~ There's a song from my college days by Ben Harper that I really liked. It talked about doing your best. The first two verses went like this: If you’re gonna live, live it up, and if you’re gonna give, then give it up. If you’re gonna walk the...

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Coax God to Come Sit with You

Coax God to Come Sit with You

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  • It is said that Jesus encouraged his disciples to follow him to an upper chamber. He was not speaking of an upper chamber in a house, but of the region of the great higher brain with its dual hemispheres that we are all wearing...

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A Radiant Inspiration

A Radiant Inspiration

by Sandy Anderson  •  God consciousness has been the essence of Sunburst’s and my studies for many years. I've been so very grateful for the chance to read the words of illumined masters and beautiful poets like Yogananda who wrote fabulous, inspirational works. Here...

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Why Are We Here?

Why Are We Here?

by Norman Paulsen • Where have we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going when we leave? Are there any real answers to these questions? We have our scriptures from the past to turn to, the words of men and women who have attained states of consciousness called...

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