Light on Sunburst Sanctuary – Agriculture • January
“The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.” – Masanobu Fukuoka
    A large property requires many hands to caretake its acreage. At Sunburst, we look forward to the end of Covid restrictions, not only for the return of Sunday services, but for all manner of events. These will include opportunities to join in our daily activities, including those in permaculture, agriculture and environmental improvement.
     This is the first of our Wednesday blog pieces to inform you about activities ongoing with Sunburst Sanctuary’s current crew. Everything from hiking trail maintenance, to water systems, agriculture, and more will be covered in text and photos.
    Last summer we enjoyed delicious fruits from our raspberries and grapes. This year they’ll be even more abundant. Pruning is taking place in the grapes (Al):

and raspberries (Curtis):

The young orchard, which is also being pruned, is a mix of apples and peaches.

A few more years of maturity are required before these trees will bear fruit.
A cover crop protects the soil between the rows of trees.
More on “Light on Sunburst Sanctuary” next Wednesday.

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