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The Root of Compassion
• by Sandy Anderson • Divine love is the mother of all virtue. That is where it all starts. Love is the root and the source of compassion. Love makes our hearts beat. It makes our blood flow. It makes the sun shine inside us, and it brings us to understanding and...
The Singing Garden
by Michele Pike • Some years ago, I had an experience that profoundly changed my life for the better. I was living on a kibbutz of about 100 people. A good friend and I were about to harvest ripe tomatoes from a small organic garden we tended together. It was early...
Conscious Conduct
Words on Conduct from three spiritual teachers • Paramahansa Yogananda: Don’t depend on death to liberate you from your imperfections. You are exactly the same after death as you were before. Nothing changes; you only give up the body. If you are a thief or a liar...
Hear The Call
by Jonathan King • One of my assignments, as a freshman in college, was to read The Confessions of St. Augustine. At the time I wondered, “Why on Earth am I reading this?” But I gave it my best. Very late at night, all was quiet and I read about St. Augustine’s life...
Co-Creating with Spirit
by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • Someone once asked me, “Why is God so hard on me? I never hear his voice or see his light.” Responding, I said, “Do you hear that creek running? Do you hear those waters rushing down the mountain on their way to the sea? Listen...
Finding Peace Amidst Chaos
by Dawn King • In our busy lives, sometimes the day seems chaotic. Chores, cooking, meetings, phone calls, texts, child care, traffic jams, emails, sounds that irritate us, and even more bombards us. Our attention is demanded from all sides. If we can remember to...
Guru Nanak
by Dawn King • We are always delighted to learn about the life of another great, illumined person from earlier times. Today I’m writing about Guru Nanak who became a spiritual teacher (“guru”) during his extraordinary life. With deep devotion (bhakti) to Truth, he...
Living the Sunburst Path: The importance of meditating each morning and evening cannot be emphasized enough. At first, this discipline takes effort, but as your meditations deepen and you begin to feel the inner peace and joy, your desire to meditate will grow....
Commit to the Vision You Seek!
by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • Self-discipline arises from commitment to the vision you seek, knowing what you want and dedicating your life to bringing it forth into being. True discipline is never a restriction. It is a liberation! Through meditation and...
When the Time is Right
by Catherine Mauron • There is so much love in our hearts. We are so blessed to be here, to pray to God who is ever-present, around us and within us. The virtue Sunburst celebrates this month is Patience, the ability to wait. This is a long-forgotten gift in today’s...