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Developing Intuition

Developing Intuition

In 1939, an article by Paramahansa Yogananda stated (excerpt): Intuition is that directly perceiving faculty of the soul which at once knows the truth about anything. Unless you have the power of intuition, you cannot possibly know Truth. It is the knowing power of...

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Wandering in Wonder

Wandering in Wonder

Wandering in amazement, as I roam across this land.             Wandering in wonder, amidst your miracles.  Sailing on your oceans, your wind it fills our sails.             I see you in the stars at night, and hear you in the waves.  As the darkness of the starry...

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Tune into Your Fire

Tune into Your Fire

By Dawn King At the end of June, Erika Indrani Eddy led a weekend workshop at Sunburst that addressed Chinese and Ayurvedic approaches to summer. "Tune In To Your Fire" gave us a yoga practice appropriate for the hotter months of the year, as well as one that tuned...

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Enjoying Silence

Enjoying Silence

By Valerie King Amidst the lush green landscape of Sunburst Sanctuary in late February, about fourteen people gathered for a silent retreat weekend. The elephant image shown is one of the group mandalas that participants enjoyed co-creating together. We also practiced...

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All Clans Gathering at Sunburst

All Clans Gathering at Sunburst

by Dawn King In mid-February, the Native American Flute Circles of California's south coast gathered at Sunburst Sanctuary for a potluck and jam session. Most often once a year Sunburst hosts this event, since Sunburst Lodge is the perfect meeting place. Participants...

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The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift

By Dawn King This is the holiday season and filled with thinking about gifts, what to give and what we might receive. But you might reflect on “What is the greatest gift you already have?” You might be thankful for family, for home, for the long-needed sporadic, but...

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Beginning With New Resolve

Beginning With New Resolve

by Dawn King Indigenous peoples have always celebrated the winter solstice as a time of new beginnings. Each of us is then thought of as being a year older and hopefully wiser. It is a time for people to come together in observance of natural phenomenon, such as at...

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On Being Thankful

On Being Thankful

By Ischa Beharry As humans, we have a tendency to take so much for granted that we forget that the very air we breathe, the sunlight that gives life to us and our planet, the food that magically grows from a tiny seed – all these are major things in our lives; yet do...

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