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Hay Ride and Tour

Hay Ride and Tour

How fun to take a hay ride on a sunny fall day! Two Meetup groups converged on a recent Sunday afternoon to learn about Sunburst’s agricultural activities. Farmer Sean Fennell explained permaculture’s main principles, some growing practices, and answered questions as...

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Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Throughout the ages humans have reverently noted the celestial movements of the Sun, planets and stars. Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, is a celebrated event in numerous religions and cultures. This beginning of a solar year, the increase of the light,...

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A Sunburst Morning

A Sunburst Morning

By Dawn King Each morning brings a new opportunity to engage with Life. At Sunburst Sanctuary, we generally start the day in group meditation at the Temple, with residents and visitors (who are camping) in attendance. Most mornings find my husband, Al, and I joining...

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Flute Circle – Gathering of the Clans

Flute Circle – Gathering of the Clans

What a joy to attend the event held at the Sunburst Lodge on Saturday afternoon, March 2. I was there just to find out what this was all about. Turns out, I've never seen anything like it before. It was so interesting! "Fluties" as they call themselves, and other...

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