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Sowing Seeds

Sowing Seeds

by Letha Kiddie      While the whole world has been in lockdown, Sunburst sanctuary has been busy keeping the home fires burning. Shown below: Sean, Curtis and Al construct a hoop house for frost protection of young plants; finished hoop house shown above. Mowing the...

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The Swallows of San Julian

The Swallows of San Julian

by Letha Kiddie Every year the swallows return to our home, miraculously, on March 21st, the first day of Spring. They bring so much joy to our lives as they busily work to build their mud nests under our eaves. Thanks to the swallows, we have no flies or mosquitoes...

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Symbol of Hope

Symbol of Hope

by Letha Kiddie  •  Outside my fence blooms a 100 year old rose. Every spring, without fail, it explodes in pink flowers blessing all who walk by.  The amazing part of this story is that the rose, which was planted at an original homestead on this land, was left alone...

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Why Jesus Came

Why Jesus Came

by Dawn King Although Jesus spoke to the multitudes, there was only a small group that were his true followers and students. The multitudes of people who listened to Jesus, and even welcomed him into Jerusalem, were looking for an earthly leader, someone who might...

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Coming Home to You

Coming Home to You

by Norman Paulsen    Mighty Spirit, Beloved, our Mother, our Father, We, your children, love you oh Lord—our life, our creator, our God. We seek to know you as a son or a daughter should know their mother and father. We seek to meet you face to face.   We...

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