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by Cayce Howe  •  I love thinking about joy and happiness, but it's even better when we can move into a realm where we can experience the feeling of joy and the feeling of happiness. Paramahansa Yogananda once said, "If you possess happiness, you possess everything....

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One Act of Love

One Act of Love

by Heiko Wirtz  • In the silence of our meditation, our connection with the Creator yearns to be expressed. What have we to offer it. Every time we lay down our desires, and our intention toward the will of the Creator arises, our hearts rejoice. Recently I have been...

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A Guided Meditation

A Guided Meditation

by Valerie King  •  In meditation as we close our eyes and focus on the third eye, let us place our gaze on that screen in front of us upon which the star of Christ first appears. Let our eyelids gently close as we become conscious of our breathing. Let us become...

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Finding Courage

Finding Courage

by Sandy Anderson  •  Courage is a universal virtue. All beings want it; all beings need it to survive, to thrive, and to move forward in their lives, to protect their young, and to go for their goals. This quote is from Norman Paulsen, founder of Sunburst Community:...

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Opening of the Heart

Opening of the Heart

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  •  We are all looking for love. Not just love that flares up and lasts a short time, but love that is enduring and ever new. It can only be found in knowing God. God’s love for us and our love for God is eternal and enduring. The...

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