Light on Sunburst Sanctuary – Amidst the Wild Things

Our trail camera captured this photo of a mountain lion walking at midday on a popular, though somewhat remote Sanctuary path. Yes, Sunburst Sanctuary is an intentional wildlife sanctuary, as well as a sanctuary for people. From the same camera, here’s a nighttime picture of a black bear.
Black Bear

Other animals that are common at the Sanctuary, but you may not see them, are skunks (stripped and spotted), opossums, raccoons, foxes, and coyotes. You may hear a coyote serenade the night, which is when all of these animals are most active.
Small wild animals
Day or night, bobcats are hunting for gophers or mice in the open fields. Sometimes a large heron will land at the Sanctuary for the same purpose. And seasonally, wild turkeys strut around in plain sight amidst the numerous deer. We’ll cover more of our wild residents in another post. It’s a great blessing to coexist among the wild things.
Coyote, fox, bobcat

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