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What Is Charity?

What Is Charity?

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  • God is charity, always giving, only asking that we love Him/Her in return. Charity is the creative cause and concern for all that lives; the heart of all creatures, the mother of all species. Charity is the act of sharing and...

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Growing Into World Fellowship

Growing Into World Fellowship

Because the United States is an important influence on humanity’s future, Paramahansa Yogananda brought Kriya Yoga to America in 1920. In later years he spoke of America’s good karma as a country founded on virtuous ideals, and a country that opened its arms to, and...

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How to Change the World

How to Change the World

by Valerie & Dawn King  •  We have the ability to develop the strength of our will, just as an athlete puts forth the effort and turns his or her body and mind into something exceptional. In our own best interest, we can choose to be spiritual athletes. It takes...

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New Year – New Me

New Year – New Me

by Dawn King  •  There are many cultural practices for the timing of what we would call a new year. Some call the new year “Spring Festival.” In Tibet the New Year traditionally begins with the barley harvest. Currently, Tibetan New Year (see photos) coincides with...

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In Stillness We Are Blessed

In Stillness We Are Blessed

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  •  In stillness, God’s presence is revealed to us. When the thoughts have quieted down and the breath has become obedient, the soul stirs in us to meet our Maker, our Creator, our Beloved. We are all connected to this Being of...

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Kriya Initiation Renewal

Kriya Initiation Renewal

What a wonderful start we had to 2020, a year ago, with Sunburst’s January 6, 2020, Kriya Retreat. From the photo you can see it was well attended. This brings us to our current unique opportunity:      On January 9, 2021 Sunburst is offering a ...Kriya Initiation...

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