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The Master Key – Self-Discipline
• by Dawn King • One of the qualities that I believe is intrinsic to Capricorn and Sunburst’s virtue of Temperance (or moderation) is self-discipline. As you read this, we may not be experiencing the Sun rising in Capricorn each morning, yet mindfulness about...
Lead Me To Illumination
• John Kiddie • At the age of twenty-one I had an awakening. I began to realize that there was more to life than I was led to believe. I began searching for answers to my questions of: Who am I? Why am I here? and What is my purpose in life? I was drawn to Eastern...
Remembering Your Oneness with Spirit
• by Dawn King with Paramahansa Yogananda • Unknown to most is the fact that you and I are one with that power and intelligence that has created the whole Universe, the very Life that makes our hearts beat. We have free will to hold our consciousness on an elevated...
• by Barbara McCaughey • Sunburst teachings provide a framework of “right activity” for me. Cooking is sort of a combination of the Sunburst spiritual Paths of Work and Recreation, and an activity that needs to be done in my family, but one that I also enjoy. I...
The Blessing of Discipline
by Norman Paulsen • [photo: Paramahansa Yogananda instructing Norman Paulsen in a yoga technique] To walk the spiritual path, the utmost discipline is required. Threefold development must be pursued: physical, mental, and spiritual. Many begin, but fail to make the...
How Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary
• by Michele Pike • Happily, I found this quote: “ When your life is filled with the desire to see the holiness in everyday life, something magical happens; ordinary life becomes extraordinary, and the very process of life begins to nourish your soul” - Rabbi...
Key to the Mastery of Life
• by Paramahansa Yogananda • “Emphasize the light, and darkness will be no more.” [We offer these words of wisdom from Paramahansa Yogananda in honor of his birthday on January 5th.] The initiative to undertake your most important duty in life is often buried...
Learning to Love
by Dawn King • The most important part of being human is learning to love, and letting unconditional love be the driving intention of our lives. Why is this? It’s because the driving intention of the Universe is Love. The more we can emulate this Source of all that...
The Divine Presence
• by Mary Thatcher (at age 14) • As I bow my head in silent prayer I feel within me, God is near. I pray that in some small way I can be of service for Him/Her today. Perhaps a kind word, nod, or smile Will make someone’s life more worthwhile. When others...
Wisdom & Humility
• by Norman Paulsen • The life of service and self-sacrifice Jesus of Nazareth lived and gave for all of us is unparalleled on this Earth. “Not my will, but Thine be done,” he offered. Humility in action is the virtue that he personified. By his example must we all...