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World Harmony & Spring Equinox

World Harmony & Spring Equinox

The Spring Equinox of 2020 marked not only the first day of the spring, but also the seriousness of the coronavirus Covid-19, which had begun spreading through our country. Our Sunburst Sanctuary gathering at the labyrinth was a quiet one, reflected in the few people...

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Seeing God’s Face Before Us

Seeing God’s Face Before Us

by Craig Hanson Divine Spirit, Mother and Father, We sit, immersed in your divine presence. You fill us with such joy, knowing your eternal wisdom shines upon us.  It's brilliant light washes away all thoughts, all desires, save one, the desire to love you with all...

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Love Is the Key

Love Is the Key

By Norman Paulsen Question: Is it possible to attain full God-realization through following the classical Christian beliefs, simply by studying the Bible and by prayer? Norman Paulsen answers: Jesus said, “These things I do, you can do also.” It doesn’t mean that...

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Opening To Healing

Opening To Healing

by Dawn King Silence pervades the room where we sit together in morning meditation. Outwardly, there seems to be nothing moving, but my inner senses inform me differently. We are not alone. This is not a surprise in the temple at Sunburst Sanctuary, where meditation...

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February Inspiration

February Inspiration

Submitted by Ischa Behary • The great yogi and teacher, Paramahansa Yogananda, has written: The mind of man is subject to change and limitation, but Cosmic Consciousness is free from all restrictions and is never involved in experiences of duality…life and death,...

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God is Pure Consciousness

God is Pure Consciousness

by Norman Paulsen I Am the space between that which observes and that which is observed. I am the Pure Self; I Am That I Am. Consciousness is the key to where I AM exists. Consciousness is the Pure Self existing within, watching me, the soul. If consciousness is...

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