Awakening in Christ Consciousness

Awakening in Christ Consciousness

  by Greg Anderson    Paramahansa Yogananda said a day will come when all humans on Earth will be Christ-conscious. How do we get it? What exactly is it? How does it change us?

In 2013, I had an experience in meditation. I started doing Kriya circulations, and several events occurred. The final thing that happened is that I was allowed to see myself in meditation. As I inhaled, my chakras lit up like someone was blowing on the hot coals of a fire. As I exhaled, I could see the same thing happen from above, moving downward.

I realized that brother Norm was right, the heart chakra was gold, it was very visible. I also realized, there were two shafts of light coming down through my astral spine, and they were almost connected. While I was watching this, I realized: “This is my divine feminine and my divine masculine. They’re about to meet for the first time in power, in my heart chakra.” When they did, there was an immediate expansion of my heart chakra. The light was gold and emanating in all directions, and I felt bliss at that moment: “Don’t let this ever end!”

Christ consciousness ignites in that divine embryo in each of us. It grows in our heart chakra, and enables us to begin the journey all the way to cosmic consciousness.

So, what changed in me? After that experience, my body didn’t feel the same. My mind was expanded. Service to others became very important to me. My connection to nature became different. I’d never been a tree-hugger but, I found myself actually saying to my wife that one of the plants in our yard looked happy after the rain. I would never have said that before 2013.

I have more empathy for people. too. I feel connected to people that I’ve never met—you and I are one in that we’re all connected to the same Creator. After my experience, I really felt like I was now “Greg 2.0,” a different me. My perspective was changing. A new being had occurred.

Those are the kind of changes that I felt. I know Divine Spirit wants each of us to experience this. I know that it may never have happened in my life had I not come to Sunburst on a weekend when a training in Kriya meditation was offered.

It’s, by far, one of the greatest gifts that I have received in this lifetime. Take advantage of Kriya meditation training, if you haven’t done so yet.

I don’t think any of these steps forward in consciousness that we make happen suddenly. They happen over a long period of time, and maybe over many lifetimes. Be patient; it may not be for you exactly as I described my experience. However, if you practice Kriya meditation, you will experience Christ consciousness. That spiritual embryo will begin to grow and mature, others became very important to me.

A Divine Seed

A Divine Seed

  by John Kiddie    We are each the farmer, and we are each the garden. A seed has been planted within us and is growing. it is the divine embryo, the birthplace of Christ consciousness within. The farmer takes care of his seed, protecting it from harm. He gives it the nutrients it needs, waters it, and weeds around it so that it may grow and bear fruit.

We, too, water our divine embryo with our meditations and our love. We surround it with the virtues, trying to live them as best we can every day. We try to give this embryo everything it needs in a protective environment.

There are so many things that can influence a plant as it is growing. It’s amazing the opposition that every little seed faces. That’s why our spirit-garden needs to be tended every day by meditating in the morning and evening. This way, we give our plant the best, most nurturing fertilizer there is: the footsteps of the farmer caring for and being around that embryo constantly.

As we gather and lift up our life force, born from Mother’s nature, her waters help the plant to grow. It reaches up towards Father’s energy, the sun. Mother’s and Father’s energies combine to bear fruit as we breathe, bringing light to our inner centers.

As we focus on the crown center, we open the door and invite I Am That I Am to come into us. We continue our practice, turning the wheel of meditation. The more we practice meditation and virtue, the more we are able to realize Spirit’s presence within us, now and always. Spirit is raining down all around us in our garden. If we take our raincoats off, we will become soaked with that energy.

To attend Sunburst’s next Kriya Meditation Retreat, contact the office at [email protected] or by phone at 805-736-6528.

Delving Into the Mystery

Delving Into the Mystery

  by Valerie King    Every soul, even such great ones as Jesus of Nazareth and Gautama the Buddha when entering into life upon this world, must work through all levels of consciousness, from simple consciousness through self-consciousness, finally to regain Christ consciousness within the new bodies in which they reside. In making this journey, these victorious souls have beaten a path for us to follow. From their stories, we can gain inspiration and hope for our own inner quest.

Though he were a son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; and being made perfect, he became the author of salvation unto all them that obey him; called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec. – Hebrews 5:8

We all seem to learn the lessons of the law of cause and effect through our own suffering when we “break ourselves against the law.” We cannot break the cosmic laws; we only break ourselves when we ignore them, in our lack of understanding. The law of cause and effect teaches us that it truly is more blessed to give than to receive: physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Physically, we can give through offering our life force in service to God. Mentally, we learn to discipline our thoughts to always return to the divine truth that God is everywhere, and in every life form! Spiritually, we give by making the effort every day to contact the living light of Christ consciousness, and allowing it to grow within us, that it may eventually become fully conscious in our every moment.

Yes, the spiritual journey is indeed a battle for truth and goodness within us. Slowly, we align ourselves with the heavenly purpose, and God’s abundant life, love, and joy begin to pour into us. This makes us want to give even more. The great wheel of the law of cause and effect begins to work for us, returning joy upon joy!

In embarking upon the journey homeward, the resolve to never give up is one of the most important attributes. At times, God pulls away from us, to test our desire and persistence. Remember, during these “dry” times, that many heavenly eyes watch you, awaiting your decisions. These are the times to make great strides in your journey. Pray to divine Spirit to strengthen your love, service, and devotion. God loves to answer this prayer, if offered with all your willpower and strength.

If We Remain Steadfast

If We Remain Steadfast

•  by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  •  I Am That I Am, Mother-Father, will create us anew while yet we live, if we will allow, if we will remain steadfast, and if we but seek. One is afraid to die for fear of losing the body, but one, in seeing the pure Self becomes fearless; one in dying to the ego becomes immortal. This gift is what we seek; this is the gift to be administered.

To gaze upon the past is to look upon shadows. One thinks of reincarnation; it is comforting to think that reincarnation could be possible—that if we fail miserably in this life, another chance might be given. But to seek reincarnation is to read the wrong path, for reincarnation is itself an illusion. If one can see, feel and taste immortality, one does not need reincarnation. If one dreams of other lifetimes, are we sure that they are true? Can we prove it?

Those who have seen I Am That I Am all stress the fact that here and now this very moment and this very life that you have possession of, should be deemed extraordinary. It’s extraordinary to be alive here and now in these wonderful creations we call bodies; it’s more extraordinary to hear about eternal life, and that fact that it can be attained. Therefore, each one of us has one goal before us—that being its attainment.

The earthly life is short. All that you may desire in this world, having gained it, will not fulfill you, can never fill the great emptiness that can only be occupied by I Am That I Am. Why wouldn’t you then cast aside all desires, in hopes that you might gain this great thing called by Jesus “the pearl of great price,” that which cannot be bought, sold, or controlled.

You can become deluded, and think that ll those things which were not to be had, might now be had, and in so doing stop its growth, smother it, cut off its nourishment and be swept away by thoughts seeking to posses that which they have projected in the form of desire images. Once receiving it, realize that this is your moment, and only you can bring it forth to its full height and know its full purpose, for it speaks as the Christ; it acts as He.

All of those thoughts that surround you, which daily plague you, either good or bad, are not yours unless you receive them. In your daily offering, whether you are working, sitting, eating or playing, constantly give all you are, the god and the bad, to I Am That I Am. In your truthfulness and your sacrifice, he sees you and rewards you openly. By being honest and forthright you are forgiven, you are relieved. You are lifted up. If you persist in orbiting negative thoughts, you finally find yourself whirling away from the Source. Where do you go from here? Where did you come from? I Am That I Am takes a seat in the rear. He/She is not found in front, but behind. He is not only above, but below. She walks with you wherever you go.

Mercy, Strength, Love

Mercy, Strength, Love

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder    All things move in parallels. Divine truths repeat themselves eternally. As creation was given birth, so was each one of us. The creation is macrocosmic; each of us is microcosmic; but essentially both are identical. Each son and daughter is a picture of the whole creation.

As we move within, we move without. That which was small becomes large. Even as each one of us came forth from the Divine, the ignition of creation has been expanding outward for billions of years. At some point in evolution, all will dissolve back into the invisible sea of Spirit, even as we are looking back and within towards God right now.

The predestined collapse of all upon its Source will take place; it will no longer be visible. So also for each one of us in reaching divine ecstasy, the walls of the body will fall away, yet still we live. Immortality is realized; security is found in divine Mother and Father’s presence. Once knowing them, how can we be fearful again? Our only fear should be that we might fail to fulfill their will.

Therefore we must endure through failure if it comes, realizing that defeat must give birth to victory, if we persevere. The indomitable will of the Divine has been given to each one of us to greater or lesser degree, depending upon our efforts and how much we desire it. God gives us his/her willpower and direction if we pray earnestly for it.

Hide not from your divine Parents. Be open to their presence every day. Confess to them your failures, and reaffirm with greater love, your determination to be successful in their eyes. Carry not the grief and guilt of failure, but give it to them. For each one of us must stand forth in our true image before them. We must be able to pray:

Father, Mother, many times I have failed, but many times I have tried again. I have done my best with what I have been given. Grant me mercy, strength and above all, pour into the vessel of my heart they great love, that I might offer it back to you. For here is the joy of life, a life worth living. Here, in the miracle of that love, let me be; just loving you, all that you are, all that I see.

You Have Such a Teacher

You Have Such a Teacher

•  by Valerie King  •  When I was seventeen, I fell in love with God. The taste of Spirit had come to me in meditations, and I had to have more! I prayed for a guide who knew the way up the mountain of God. Miraculously, I was led to Sunburst and its founder Norman Paulsen, who was to become my brother, teacher, and friend.

Norm’s profound love of God kindled my desire one-hundredfold, to behold the Divine One within, to feel no separation from that presence, to know it in every particle of my being.

How does one describe a true teacher, and the gifts God brings through him? The depths of spirit-joy, sitting in meditation together, quenched lifetimes of soul thirst.

With amazing humility, Brother Norm shared his own spirit-journey with so many; its times of trial and times of blessings. His heart’s true desire was—and still is—to see all of God’s sons and daughters awaken and realize who they are, and become true caretakers of one another and this precious garden world.

The other day, my heart was missing the physical presence of my dear friend. I felt inspired to open a book of Rumi’s poetry, and my gaze fell upon these perfect words: “I am your deepest being. Quit talking about wanting me!”

I had to laugh, as I felt Norm smiling along with me. I am blessed to have such a teacher. You, too, can have Norm as a teacher, brother, and friend. Norm is very present and available, having been released into the place beyond time. He joyfully continues Spirit’s work of encouraging all souls to discover their divine home, the heart of God. You, too, are invited to join in this endeavor.

Walt Whitman wrote about this sacred work in his poem To Him That Was Crucified, “…we all labor together, transmitting the same charge and succession…till we saturate times and eras, that the men and women of races, ages to come, may prove brethren and lovers, as we are.”

Editor’s Note: And so, too, has Valerie moved on to those rarer dimensions from which she is still teaching. Photo is of a class she taught at Sunburst Sanctuary in 2017.
Val teaches at Sunburst


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