We Are Surrounded by Angels

We Are Surrounded by Angels

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  •  The birthplace of angels, called the first dimension of consciousness, surrounds the Great Central Sun of God, the Christ, like the corona we observe around our physical sun. Here the brilliance is shaded with a violet-rose light of indescribable beauty and vibration. This is the energy of ecstatic awareness. This is the place where, from out of eternity, individual souls come into being, appearing as spheres of incandescent light, suns of God.

When we first acquired Sunburst Farm years ago, while meditating deeply I observed with closed eyes the astral panorama surrounding my physical body. I could clearly see objects in the physical world—some moving, some stationary. The landscape was clearly visible in a veil of penetrating light.

Toward the east, I observed an orb of brilliant white light rapidly approaching. To my delight, it came directly to me and hovered at eye level. A voice came floating upon the ethereal atmospheres, “I am the one they call Babaji.” I remembered well Yogananda’s description of an ever-youthful figure called Babaji, meaning “holy father.” Babaji was the spiritual guide of Lahiri Mahasaya, Yogananda’s teacher’s teacher.

In my meditation, I watched as Babaji, in the form of the orb of white light, transited the full length of my inner-dimensional spine, emerging from the crown of my head. Hovering again before me, he silently projected in thought forms his pleasure at finding the way open through all the spinal centers. Babaji offered support for the endeavors I had undertaken. He left as he had come, toward the east and his favorite haunts in the high Himalayas.

I am constantly reminded of the appearance of Jesus of Nazareth to Paul of Tarsus. At the time, Paul was traveling to raise support to persecute the growing “cult” of Jesus followers. Jesus appeared before Paul’s vision as a sphere of incandescent light, brighter than our physical sun.

Paul was converted then and there, as he recognized Jesus—whom he had never before met—within that light. Jesus appeared to Paul with the power and brilliance of the Cosmic Christ, the Inner Sun, to baptize and illuminate Paul of Tarsus. Paul was to become one of the greatest advocates and messengers of Christ.

I believe that we human beings are surrounded at all times by angels. Surely we are watched constantly by them. The brilliant flashes of violet-rose and blue-white light seen before our eyes while working, exercising, or meditating, reveal their presence. They can be as big as they like, or as small as they like. They have access to Infinity. They are the projectors and initiators of the divine drama of creation and its evolution.

Many souls on Earth today are evolving inward toward their own spherical bodies of light. In this life, we seemingly find ourselves surrounded by a never-ending obstacle course of events. We must remember the words of Revelations 21:7, “The one who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be their God and they shall be my offspring, my heir.” We must overcome the negativity that surrounds us. With the help of angels, and by living virtue, we finally attain Christ Consciousness, and we truly see what a wondrous creation surrounds us.

Your own divine soul, the image of God within you, is a brilliant sphere of light. It is waiting to direct your physical body from the center of Christ Consciousness, the inner-dimensional throne of God within you. Ask and it shall be opened; seek and ye shall find. Meditate and live virtue, and you will be surrounded with the company of angels. Look to the inner light, brilliant like the sun, and know that you are looking at beings from the first dimension, the angels of the Cosmic Sun, I Am That I Am.

Five Guidelines for Living

Five Guidelines for Living

From Lahiri Mahasaya’s teachings

Consider yourself very humble. This means one should do service, prayers, and maintain a feeling of being a servant of all.

Always do satsanga – associate with spiritually oriented people, inquire into the nature of yourself, and read spiritually uplifting writings.

From time to time, congregate in a place and talk about God.

Do not show disrespect for any name or form of God.

At least once a year, leave worldly duties and go to a retreat for a month, or a week, or at least three days and enjoy the solitude.

Paramahansa Yogananda said this about Lahiri Mahasaya:
“The Kriya Yoga which I am giving to the world through you in this nineteenth century,” Babaji told Lahiri Mahasaya, “is a revival of the same science which Krishna gave millenniums ago to Arjuna, and which was later known to Patanjali, and to Christ Jesus, Saint John, Saint Paul, and other disciples.
“The science of Kriya Yoga … became widely known in modern India through the instrumentality of Lahiri Mahasaya, my guru’s guru.  Lahiri Mahasaya received it from his guru, Babaji, who rediscovered and clarified the technique after it had been lost in the Dark Ages.”

The next post will explain Kriya Yoga further.

Birthday of Sunburst Founder, Norman Paulsen

Birthday of Sunburst Founder, Norman Paulsen

February 3  •  the birthday of Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  •  

Today we honor Sunburst’s founder, Norman Paulsen. He carried forward the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, and Kriya Yoga, that any who ask: “Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going after this life?” can know the answers without a doubt. Following is a prayer from Norm Paulsen.

We Pray for Our World
Oh Beloved, let us see your face shining like the sun
    at the end of the tunnel to eternity.
Oh Father, we pray for our world and for its people,
    for all those who suffer.
We pray that your peace descend upon all beings,
    that your children may continue to live into the future,
    creating heaven on Earth
    as the saints and masters have prophesied.
By our service to all beings,
    help us be prepared for the day
    when we may joyously enter your body of light.

Surrender to Blessings

Surrender to Blessings

by Barbara McCaughey  •  I once saw someone demonstrate two types of surrender in body language. The first type had shoulders and head drooping forward, arms limp in the lap. The second type had arms, face, and palms up toward the sky. I thought, “The heart must open, and the arms create a funnel for spirit to enter.” When that happens, we’re guided and more comfortable living in the moment.

Think of surrender as a way of allowing space in your consciousness for the Divine to enter. You can gain a glimpse of what you truly are when you reflect your divine nature.

Letting go of the ego is an act of continuous courage. The self-conscious ego thinks it’s separate from its Creator, and from the creation. Ego wants to amass things, thoughts, and knowledge…and protect it all. Although the self-conscious ego experiences the ups and the downs of life’s drama, it’s afraid to let go. It’s not really sure what will happen when it surrenders to divine guidance.

But when we have the desire to start letting go, then we’re led to a way that helps us. For many of us, that way has been Kriya meditation, which allows us to live our lives more consciously. Norman Paulsen, founder of Sunburst, lived a life that was a beautiful demonstration of surrender. Life, Love, God, his autobiography describes Norm’s spiritual journey in detail. From the time he was a child, he desired to meet God, and this was strengthened when he met his teacher Paramahansa Yogananda, who taught him Kriya Yoga.

Later, Divine Mother revealed herself to Norm’s consciousness. He said that then his physical mind, self-conscious ego, and personality had to stand aside. It was his own pure Self that spoke directly to Divine Mother. As she promised, seven days later she returned and presented him to Divine Father. 

Norm said he felt no fear. He was able to look within and see that he had no other desires. “There’s nothing else in this world that I want, only you. Only you, Lord!” It was the continuous practice of surrender that led him to that day.

Many years ago I was sitting in meditation; it was a very difficult time in my life. I was lamenting to Spirit, “I’ve got this challenge, and that challenge; what am I going to do?” The thoughts felt like a moving freight train. All of a sudden, it’s like the brakes were engaged. My mind was flooded with thoughts from Spirit, showing me all the blessings in my life—blessings I was ignoring.

I was left feeling, “With all that I’ve been given, how could I not fulfill my mission to be loving, and to keep surrendering to the Divine?”
Almighty Spirit,
Help me to be very present with You in this moment,
that I might see a glimpse of who I truly am.

What Is Charity?

What Is Charity?

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  •

God is charity, always giving,
only asking that we love Him/Her in return.
Charity is the creative cause
and concern for all that lives;
the heart of all creatures,
the mother of all species.
Charity is the act of sharing and knowing
that all life is one with your own,
the nurturing nature of Divine Spirit.

In Stillness We Are Blessed

In Stillness We Are Blessed

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  •  In stillness, God’s presence is revealed to us. When the thoughts have quieted down and the breath has become obedient, the soul stirs in us to meet our Maker, our Creator, our Beloved. We are all connected to this Being of Light. We are all children of this Divine Mother and Father.

What a miracle it is that God is with us in our deep meditations, in stillness and in love, as we communicate with the reality of our immortal souls. Yes, God says we are all immortal, dreaming this life in all its beauty and its sorrows. God longs to speak to us in the silence of our meditations, to give us comfort, support, and direction in our lives. As often as we remember that God exists in the center of our souls, we are blessed.

Master Yogananda used to say: “In the humdrum activity of this world, it is so hard to stop and remember that God is the doer, not the individual self.” God is the doer if we allow, if we remember. When we take the time to sit down in silence and talk to Him, to Her, with our heart’s devotion, our love can find its source in God. Our love finds its fulfillment in seeking God.

Follow the breath up and down the spine with your consciousness. This is our inner-dimensional tunnel that leads to God. At the crown of our heads the infinite Christ Light, like the sun, burns so brightly, illuminating our souls. The presence of God descends like a silken garment upon each soul who calls for God to reveal the light of his presence.

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