Light on Sunburst Sanctuary

Light on Sunburst Sanctuary

Light on Sunburst Sanctuary  –  Range Management • January

“Do what you love to do, and be around things that make you smile. The cows make me smile every day.” – David Jackson

Sunburst is a sanctuary in nature not only for people, but also for flora and fauna, plants and animals, wild and domestic. Management of 4,000 acres of mostly wild land is a challenge. Potential fires, erosion, and useful resources are all taken into consideration, with permaculture in mind. If the land is healthy, the animal ecosystem prospers too. We are all connected.

     Overgrowth of flammable foliage is managed with the help of cattle that also fertilizes the land, and develops passable trails for other wildlife and people. Sunburst’s livestock, cattle and horses, are people friendly, especially the horses. You wouldn’t be able to pet a cow, bull or calf, because their tendency is to stay clear of people, although they find people fascinating to watch.

     Plant communities have developed with grazing animals throughout history, making grazing animals important to the wellbeing of these plants. The goal is a healthy balance of plants and animals.

What Is Charity?

What Is Charity?

by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder  •

God is charity, always giving,
only asking that we love Him/Her in return.
Charity is the creative cause
and concern for all that lives;
the heart of all creatures,
the mother of all species.
Charity is the act of sharing and knowing
that all life is one with your own,
the nurturing nature of Divine Spirit.

Growing Into World Fellowship

Growing Into World Fellowship

Because the United States is an important influence on humanity’s future, Paramahansa Yogananda brought Kriya Yoga to America in 1920. In later years he spoke of America’s good karma as a country founded on virtuous ideals, and a country that opened its arms to, and shared its wealth with those in need, be they other countries or individuals. Yogananda further stated:

Though we may seem divided by race, creed, color, class, and political prejudices, still, as children of the one God we are able in our souls to feel brotherhood and world unity.… In our hearts we can all learn to be free from hate and selfishness. Let us pray for harmony among the nations, that they march hand in hand through the gate of a fair new civilization.

“World fellowshipseems a very simple phrase, but in these two words is the panacea for all the individual, social, and political ills that are threatening the worlds material, mental, moral, and spiritual happiness.… World fellowship alone can banish hatred and prevent wars. World fellowship alone can stabilize prosperity for all mankind. Therefore I say to you, bring that fellowship into your hearts by communing with God.… As soon as you feel God in your heart, you will contribute to world civilization as no king or politician has ever done before.

I believe a time will come when in greater understanding we shall have no boundaries anymore. We shall call the Earth our country; and we shall, by a process of justice and international assembly, distribute unselfishly the goods of the world according to the needs of the people. But equality cannot be established by force; it must come from the heart. The greatest blessing would be to develop international understanding by which we may realize this truth.

I believe that if every citizen in the world is taught to commune with God (not merely to know Him intellectually), then peace can reign; not before. When by persistence in meditation you realize God through communion with Him, your heart is prepared to embrace all humanity.

Therefore, my friends, resolve that you will love the world as your own nation, and that you will love your nation as you love your family. Through this understanding you will help to establish a world family on the indestructible foundation of wisdom.

Light on Sunburst Sanctuary 

Light on Sunburst Sanctuary 

Light on Sunburst Sanctuary – Agriculture • January
“The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.” – Masanobu Fukuoka
    A large property requires many hands to caretake its acreage. At Sunburst, we look forward to the end of Covid restrictions, not only for the return of Sunday services, but for all manner of events. These will include opportunities to join in our daily activities, including those in permaculture, agriculture and environmental improvement.
     This is the first of our Wednesday blog pieces to inform you about activities ongoing with Sunburst Sanctuary’s current crew. Everything from hiking trail maintenance, to water systems, agriculture, and more will be covered in text and photos.
    Last summer we enjoyed delicious fruits from our raspberries and grapes. This year they’ll be even more abundant. Pruning is taking place in the grapes (Al):

and raspberries (Curtis):

The young orchard, which is also being pruned, is a mix of apples and peaches.

A few more years of maturity are required before these trees will bear fruit.
A cover crop protects the soil between the rows of trees.
More on “Light on Sunburst Sanctuary” next Wednesday.

How to Change the World

How to Change the World

by Valerie & Dawn King  •  We have the ability to develop the strength of our will, just as an athlete puts forth the effort and turns his or her body and mind into something exceptional. In our own best interest, we can choose to be spiritual athletes. It takes practice, and diligence, but is rewarding beyond imagination.

The more effort you put into it, the stronger a spiritual habit becomes, and the more willpower flows into you. Even when you don’t feel like it, you sit down daily and go deep within, where Divine Spirit resides. You soon find that this is your rock, and your refuge. It becomes your superpower. 

Paramahansa Yogananda said love is the greatest motivator because, if you love someone, you’ll do anything to help that person. Unconditional love, like that of a good parent or caregiver, is the grace of Spirit. Once that grace enters your heart, you are magnetically drawn to it. The world around us is so distracting, we have to make the time and place to feel that strong pull of Divine Spirit’s love. We come to realize it’s what we really need most. It’s what we long for, what can give us strength and sustain us. 

How joyous to be bathed in the pure light of Spirit. Nothing can compare—nothing. From that incomparable experience comes the desire to bring about heaven on earth—that every soul, every brother and sister, can experience the same thing within themselves. 

As we transform ourselves, we transform the whole world. Every soul that attains liberation, broadcasts that vibration out through the whole cosmos. That’s the very best thing we can do for ourselves and each other. Make the effort to develop your relationship with the Divine. Call on your Creator to be with you. This is the moment —right nowwhere God is, ever-present. NOW is the moment. 

Dear Divine Spirit,
I call upon you in this very moment.
Hear my heart and voice.
I want to know you beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I want to see your living face shining within me,
     like a brilliant sun.
I want to know your timeless eternity
     in every moment.
When I know this, it will help all beings.
Let it be so. Amen.  

Finding Happiness & Contentment

Finding Happiness & Contentment

by John Kiddie    We are all seeking happiness and contentment in this life. This is our quest. Researchers studying the science of happiness have found common denominators in happy people. Physical activity and exercise is important. It releases dopamine, that gives us a sense of pleasure and well-being.
Other components include varying our routines and doing new and different activities; caring about something larger than ourselves; having close supportive friends and family, a feeling of community; having a sense of wanting to make the world a better place.
     Gratitude is another component of happiness and contentment. In one study, researchers had their group write down, on every Sunday, five things that they were grateful for. This activity increased their feeling of happiness. Acts of kindness yielded the same result.
     These are all positive things that we can embrace to bring us happiness. When we can turn our attention from seeking our happiness and fulfillment from the external to the internal, we will have set our feet upon the path to true and lasting happiness. Paramahansa Yogananda said it thusly:
     Seek the unconditional, indestructible, pure bliss within yourself, and you will have found the ever-conscious, ever-new joy of God. Unlike material pleasures, this joy is not an abstract quality of mind. It is the conscious, self-born, self-expressing quality of Spirit. Seek it and be comforted forever.



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