by Valerie King  •  If you sit down and are still, you start hearing the thoughts moving across your mind, like a river – an endless river. Thoughts, feelings, emotions, pains from the past and worries of the future. But is this really who you are? These are like clouds that are going by in front of the sun of consciousness that you are.

Recently, I had the great blessing to be invited to the labor and the birth of a new child. When you’re in this situation and you see the mother working so hard, this incredible, transformative act, and you see this lump inside the mother moving and moving, and all of a sudden, that lump is not just a lump. It has a face, and it is a new being.

We all went through this miracle of life. We have come out of infinity, and shortly we will go back. But the great divine consciousness, the Divine One that brought us all forth, wants to be fully awake, and fully alive in us, while we walk here upon this beautiful earth. It wants to awaken and recognize itself looking out through our eyes, working through our hands, loving through our hearts, creating through our minds and our bodies.

How can we accomplish this? How can we awaken to what’s truly inside of us? Eons ago, the ancients brought forth meditation techniques to help open the way, to help us still our minds long enough that we can begin to see the space between the thoughts where Spirit shines forth eternally. It is a work, meditation. We have to work with the life force and light we are given to create a light body that this seed can reside in, this seed of God, so that it can awaken and grow into a new being. It is our self, but our Self as we are truly meant to be—our pure Self.

We all have inklings of this pure Self in our lives. It is the power of love, wisdom, unspeakable joy. It says, “I Am.”— the answer to the question “Who am I?” The work is becoming aware of our own consciousness, and by becoming aware of it, we still the thoughts. We are not so attached to the emotions that carry us, like waves, on the ocean. We sit in the observer’s seat, where we are given the gift of immortality, infinity, infinite love, and we find out this is who we really are.

Divine consciousness lives in each one of us, and we know it as intuition and the voice of conscience. Our job is to listen ever closer to this divine consciousness, to let it heal and transform us, and bring that healing all around us.

In the gospel of Thomas, which is one of the Gnostic gospels, Jesus said, “If you have everything, but you do not know yourself, you have lost everything.” So this is the challenge for each one of us, the adventure of life. It is never too late to start the journey. Start it in this moment. Find out who you are. It is a question that can only be found by each one of us, can only be answered by each one in our own inner discoveries.

I want to end with a quote from Norman Paulsen, who is Sunburst’s founder, when he was speaking about this gift of the meditation tools:
A good meditation technique is the most important thing you could ever have in your life. If you don’t have a technique to get in there and find out what’s going on within you, how are you ever going to know?
The meditation tool is the gift from the gods, the angels of divine consciousness, for our future. They are saying, “Here is your way. You’ve got to go unlock the doors. You’ve got to do the work. You’ve got to climb the mountain.”
They are not going to carry you, but here is the key. Go unlock the door; go climb the mountain. It’s all inside of you.

As we awaken to the divine consciousness within us, we will be able to look out, all the more, and see heaven as it exists on earth in this moment. As the poet William Blake said, “To see the world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower… to hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.”

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