Bringing Spirit Inside

Bringing Spirit Inside

by John Kiddie

We join together as one family, and offer up all that we are to Spirit. We do this with our meditation technique and the devotion of our heart. We reach down into the center of our Mother Earth and bring her energy up to our spine and offer it to our Father. We open the door at the crown of our head, looking for the white light, and draw the Father’s energy down through our spine.

As we do this, we are mixing and melting our Mother and Father’s energies in us, healing us, giving us strength, and wisdom. We’re also growing our spirit bodies. You can imagine that, as we bring the energy up and down our spine, a layer of light covers our spirit body, one breath at a time. With each circulation, we’re adding to that spirit body. It gets larger, and spreads out in all directions. Spirit wants to experience the joy of the creation through us.

As we grow our spirit bodies through meditation, and through our daily lives of virtuous living, we are holding space for Spirit to share our earthly experience. In this way, we become a vehicle for Divine Will.

As we meditate today, let’s open our hearts up to our best Friend, our dearest Companion, that we may be filled and transformed into that vehicle of white light. Thus, our actions may be in harmony with Spirit’s will, manifesting the kingdom of heaven here on earth.

People of good heart, find one another;

Together there’s much work to do.

The natural laws of our Mother and Father

In our hearts are written anew.


Mothers Come in Many Forms

Mothers Come in Many Forms

by Letha Kiddie •

When I think of mother’s, I think of the protective, creative force of Mother Nature.

There are so many examples of this, from the mama birds building their nests in my yard, to my friends who are mothers—constantly sending love, strength, care and encouragement to their children.

But the mother’s energy exists in both men and women and can be seen and felt through the heart.

Especially during these pandemic times we find ourselves needing to be reassured that “everything is going to be all right.” And mother’s energy is so good at giving reassurance!

When I think of all the hardships that humans endure in their lifetimes, I am so grateful for the mother figures that stand by, offering their sometimes silent support of what we are going through, and sometimes offering their physical, emotional or spiritual help as well.

Let us all give thanks for this beautiful part of our natures and cultivate it within us to help soften the sometimes harsh realities around us.

The Divine in me, bows to the Divine in you. Namaste

Find God Within Yourself

Find God Within Yourself

by Norman Paulsen

How blessed we each are to be alive, to be present in this moment, and when we ask God to reveal himself to us. I see him in every face, beating in every heart, existing at the center of every soul. To find that light within us, to let it grow, to nourish it, to receive its love and allow it to open our hearts, this is why we meditate.

This Being that has created all of us wants to become conscious in our minds, in our thoughts, participating in everything we do that is virtuous, giving and loving. We each have this wonderful gift of God’s presence in our souls—that light of consciousness, that spark that God gave each one of us.

Years ago, I began my journey, seeking the light of soul within myself. I was finally led to a teacher who gave me the direction I needed to begin my meditations. Meditation is the key that unlocks the door to our souls. I spent many hours in meditation every day, calling on God to reveal himself to me. I wanted to see God face to face; this was my desire. Could it happen? is it possible that the Creator of everything we see could reveal itself to each one of us?

After years of meditation and service, God did come to me in a body of light as bright as the sun shining in the sky today. Wondrous it is that God will come to us if we persist and call with all our love, and open our hearts to receive this visitation. With diligent practice, meditation will bring us to that point in our lives when God is going to open up the window of our soul and say: My son, my daughter, it is me; I am here! It has been me all along that you were searching for.

What a supreme unimaginable day it is when we meet God, our Creator, face to face, when we can actually get our hands around God and hug him, love him, and bare our hearts to him. God is so close. My teacher, Yogananda, used to say, “If you only knew how close God is, you would see him right now.”

God wants you to know him, wants you to see him. The unimaginable can be seen. When the inner eye of soul is opened, God comes blazing into our consciousness, filling you with the greatest love you can ever conceive of. Why meditate? To find God within yourself, to follow a spiritual life, a virtuous life, to become a true servant of God that you may help others, that you may support our world that so desperately needs support today.

Meditate on the fact that when Jesus was baptized in the waters by John, the Spirit was seen descending like a dove upon his head. What was actually seen were the dual sacred forces, the right and left hands of God that descend like spirals, the baptism that waits to settle upon each of us if we seek to receive it. It brings with it the sacred birth, the birth of the Christ child inner-dimensionally within our hearts of love.

Yes, Jesus spoke of the new creature we can all become if we but receive and believe. That Christ child is waiting in the center of our souls to be born in its light, and ascend to the throne of consciousness within us.

This can happen for each one of us in this lifetime. This is the promise, this is the pledge that Spirit has made to all the children. I bear testimony of it; I humbly submit that it has happened to me. We need but to ask; the promise is: “It shall be given,” if we but believe, if we but make the effort. Breathe in that light of God through the crown of your head. Let it descend into your heart. It builds a mighty heart within us that can withstand anything. It makes living virtue wonderful and simple. It makes our work and our lives a joy.

Why Jesus Came

Why Jesus Came

by Dawn King

Although Jesus spoke to the multitudes, there was only a small group that were his true followers and students. The multitudes of people who listened to Jesus, and even welcomed him into Jerusalem, were looking for an earthly leader, someone who might rise to political power and bring them relief from their difficult situation. But that’s not why Jesus came. He came to show a way that we might find an eternal salvation, to find heaven wherever we are, and forever more.

Unlike the money changers at the temple and the Pharisees, and many other people who interacted with him during his life, Jesus unfailingly stood for virtue. He was a light in this world through his example and what he taught. He loved God with all his heart and soul, showing us that we all would be right to do so as well.  

Jesus loved his neighbor as himself, even forgiving those who persecuted him. Unlike politicians and those representing the day’s religious orders, he wasn’t looking for what the world could give him, or how he could manipulate the people around him. He was trying to show the way to become all that any human could be, to step up to one’s full height as a virtuous son or daughter of the one Creator. His message was that we could each attain to the Christ consciousness he exemplified. 

So many are adrift today, or living in fear, not knowing how best to go on, how to find happiness, love, or security. They don’t realize who they truly are and what their purpose is here. It is a blessing and comfort to be a student of, and to embrace the spiritual truths that Jesus embodied. Through his example we can realize the immortality of our own souls, and the eternal values that should guide our lives. 

To whatever extent we invite it, Christ consciousness will be present in our hearts, minds, and actions. We have the opportunity to wear the comfort and joy of the eternal Christ Light by following, as best we can, the teachings of our brother Jesus each moment of every day. 

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