Resident Profile: Craig Hanson

Resident Profile: Craig Hanson

Craig Hanson is a long-time Sunburst resident and ardent meditator. His love and knowledge of sacred geometry can be seen in the beautiful design of Sunburst structures as well as in many of the diagrams gracing the walls of the Sunburst lodge.

Craig Hanson

Occasionally Craig has taught wonderful and inspiring workshops for all those interested in the study of Nature’s cosmic blueprint, including the golden proportion, phi, and sacred spirals. The ancient keyhole door symbol, which embodies many of the Sunburst teachings, is based upon these sacred geometric principals. Craig’s next Sacred Geometry Workshop is on May 26th; it will be a unique opportunity to learn more about Nature and the Divine Mind.

Many years ago Craig read Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda. This inspired him to find a spiritual teacher of his own who would instruct him in meditation and a way of life that felt harmonious to his spirit. He was guided to Sunburst’s early community high in the mountains above Santa Barbara. There he met his teacher Norman Paulsen, and a group of other spiritual seekers who shared in his love of Spirit.

Craig at Sacred Geometry



On Saturday, May 26, 2 – 4 p.m. and  7-8:30 p.m., Craig will be teaching his popular “Sacred Geometry Workshop” where explore the common patterns present in nature, and understand how we are all One.




Craig lovingly tends to the rose garden.

Craig with roses

During his years in the Sunburst Community, Craig has become an expert carpenter, artist, and landscaper. Just ask anyone enjoying the countless works of art, including refinished furniture, and landscape projects, which were lovingly created by Craig.

His love of creativity has led him into many new endeavors such as sign making, book research and writing, and more recently the completion of beautiful oil paintings depicting the surrounding hills and nearby ocean waves. He can also be found almost every Sunday leading nature hikes on the Sunburst Sanctuary.

Craig’s love of nature inspires his artwork, such at this beautiful painting of ocean waves.

Craig Hanson painting

When asked what Sunburst teachings have done for him, Craig replies; “The teachings for me are like a blueprint, a framework upon which to weave the creative spirit within. The living teachings of the great Solar Logos pour down upon our heads. Through my meditations, I have seen and felt this Light. Sunburst is a star, joining other stars in a network bringing healing energy to our Earth garden.”

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday dawned bright and beautiful at the Sunburst Sanctuary. All was in readiness for a wonderful Easter service, led by Jake and Missy Collier, and for a lovely Sunday brunch prepared by a team of Sunburst residents.

Sunburst Easter Sunday flowers
Our beautiful Easter flower arrangement had a golden egg as the centerpiece. 

The morning began early with a walking meditation around the Sunburst labyrinth, where people greeted the dawning of Easter, a time of new hope and renewal of all life. Being a sacred time in many of the world’s great spiritual traditions, during his inspirational talk Jake made reference to the universality of Jesus’ message, so beautifully spoken in parables to his disciples.

Sunburst Easter Sunday meditation

Norman Paulsen, beloved teacher and founder of Sunburst, had a deep connection to Jesus, as did his spiritual teacher Paramahansa Yogananda. Norm had received many powerful dreams and visions of Jesus during his life, and had called upon him for inspiration, direction, and guidance. So Easter has always held special meaning to Sunburst.

Easter Sunday at Sunburst

Many children arrived and excitedly awaited the annual Easter egg hunt, led by Heiko Wirtz, Emily Johnson, Elena Anderson and Lucinda Kinch.

Easter Sunday at Sunburst

All in all, it was a day to remember: the brilliant sunlit day, the sweet soulful music, the deep meditation followed by the breaking of bread and the sharing of food, the exuberant sounds of children with their Easter baskets… Many reasons to rejoice once again!


Easter Sunday

Dancing in the Peace

Dancing in the PeaceIn celebration of Spring Equinox, the heart opening Dances of Universal Peace came to the Sunburst Sanctuary, led by Yarrow Nelson, his wife Kara, and Dorene Garven. Participants included loyal peace dancers and musicians from San Luis Obispo and Ojai, as well as Sunburst regulars. The absorbing songs and circle dances were uplifting and inspiring, giving one a sense of timeless unity with all humankind.

Dances of PeaceThe Dances of Universal Peace were originally made popular by Samuel Lewis, a spiritual teacher and dance student who combined his two passions in an effort to harmonize and bring peace to the often turbulent interfacing of the world’s great religions. By combining simple chants (of multiple faiths) with heartfelt dance movements, “Sufi Sam” believed that we could access a deeper sense of peace within ourselves and in our interactions with other belief systems.

Today there are hundreds of groups celebrating The Dances of Universal Peace throughout the world.
We are blessed to host this dedicated group at Sunburst twice a year.

Many participants arrived from all directions to partake of this joyful event. Every one of us left with a renewed dedication to the practice of peace—within ourselves and through our interactions with others as well as our environment. Thank you, Yarrow, Kara, Dorene, Tim and everyone who participated for your beautiful offering. And thanks to everyone who dances, sings and prays for universal peace!

Easter Sunday

Welcoming a New Season at the Sunburst Sanctuary

Spring Equinox 2012In celebration of the Spring Equinox, people gathered at Sunburst’s labyrinth to greet the sunrise and to pay homage to the ages old tradition of ushering in a new season with intention and gratitude.

The first day of spring—when the days and nights are of equal length—signals the time when earth begins to warm and birds return with their singing. The importance of these warming days cannot be underestimated in the planting of crops and germination of seeds.

Spring Equinox 2012 at SunburstSpring Equinox is one of the four solar markings of our year. Just as dawn is the time of new light, Spring Equinox is the time of new life. Sunburst residents traditionally celebrate the changing of seasons with a meditation, followed by a ceremony at the Sanctuary labyrinth. (The labyrinth is based on an ancient Hopi design.) Participants share a moment of silence and prayer acknowledging the four forces and four directions, before walking the labyrinth. Sometimes walking is accompanied by drumming or Native American style flute.

Spring Equinox 2012 at SunburstThree standing stones distinguish the Sunburst labyrinth as a solar calendar. They echo other sites such as Stonehenge, where the ancients—who knew the importance of day lengths—observed the changing seasons. Similarly, on equinox and solstice mornings, at the Sunburst Sanctuary we gather to celebrate the rising sun, the new season it brings, and to give thanks to the Creator for abundant life. All are welcome to participate in the next ceremony, which will take place in June for Summer Solstice.

Walking to Meditation

Walking to Meditation

Sunburst walkway to meditationWalking the tree lined path on the way to meditation at the Sunburst Sanctuary is an experience in itself.  The peaceful walk over bridges and under arbors, surrounded by smells of redwood and pine trees, one begins to feel the peace, presence, and intention of the many seekers who have traveled this path before you.

On a morning when you arrive early take some time to meander off the main path and travel along the winding  walkway, where native plants are growing and giving sustenance to butterflies, hummingbirds, and honey bees. This path will lead you back into the main lodge area where meditations are held almost every day of the week.

I have heard that on a farm, the farmer’s footsteps makes the best fertilizer.  I find that the same is true of meditation centers that seem to be infused with all of the energy and heart of its meditators. When you walk into any church or temple you can feel the prayers and devotion that linger long after the devotees have left the building.

One of the comments that we receive often from visitors to the Sunburst Sanctuary are how peaceful they feel the minute they drive onto the property. The wildlife agree, it seems, the deer no longer bound away when cars drive by, and recently even the foxes, coyotes, and bobcats are seen playing and hunting openly in the fields.

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