This “Show” We Are Acting In

This “Show” We Are Acting In

Norman Paulsen,  Sunburst Founder  •   We refer to life here as being part of the show. In this great show that goes on every microsecond of time, there are heroes and villains, there’s drama and action, and there’s sometimes seemingly insurmountable obstacles. When we go to a movie, we always find ourselves rooting for the hero to overcome the obstacles, to defeat the villain, and to have a happy ending.

Our lives here, our journey, is being witnessed not only by God, but by all those beings that have walked this path before us, who were able to defeat the villain, overcome the obstacles, and attain eternal life. These spirits exist; they are around us all the time. Sometimes they appear to us; sometimes they are called angels. They are all rooting for us, that we too can stay the course and never give up in our quest to realize our oneness with our Creator. They are here to help and encourage us, and if we call upon them, they will come.

Truth must be experienced, must be understood on a cellular level, and we can do this by calming the mind, stilling the body, and going into a deep meditation every morning and every evening. This process will help us all evolve and overcome any obstacles that are in our way. It will give us the strength and courage to greet each day with a smile. Each of us every day should try to treat others like we would like to be treated, to be kind and love others like we would wish to be loved.

O heavenly Father, thank you
for being with us this day and every day.
Instill in us a deep commitment to seek true understanding,
to love one another and to dedicate our lives to finding you,
gazing upon your face and hearing your voice. Amen

Sunburst’s New Year Letter

Sunburst’s New Year Letter

Dear Family of Friends,
As 2020 winds down, we take stock of the many challenges we faced, and the inner strength we called upon to navigate the unprecedented circumstances affecting our lives. Outwardly, it has been a year of limitations and temperance, forcing us to simplify our routines and question our impulses. But inwardly, it has been a time to open the doors of our hearts and put our meditation practice to good use. The importance of our connection to one another has become highlighted as we sought and found new ways to communicate with each other.

Time opened up for many to spend more time outdoors drawing on nature’s comfort, beauty, and inspiration. Art became an outlet for the soul as did other forms of creativity, including ways to be of service. As 2021 approaches, challenging times still lie ahead, but we know what to do now, we know how to be.

We can relax into the new normal and let it carry us into a brighter future, a kinder future, and a more reflective future. It is the balance we were all asking for, either consciously or subconsciously. We can’t return to an earlier time. Bigger changes have now taken place. Some people are moving out of the cities to less crowded areas. Many people now work from home and homeschool their children. They are realizing the importance of family, friendships, and community.

At Sunburst we are tilling the soil every day, both spiritually and literally. The permaculture gardens are alive and thriving offering fresh produce to the local community and food bank, and Sunburst is offering more online meditations and inspirational recorded services. We are available by phone, and keeping Sunburst Sanctuary ready in anticipation of a future time of gathering together again, which will certainly take place when it is deemed safe. Meantime, it is up to each of us to turn the wheel of meditation, and dive deep into Spirit’s vast ocean of love.

In closing I leave you with this Gaelic prayer:
Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace to you.

Many blessings,
Patty Paulsen, Sunburst Spiritual Director

Your Star of Bethlehem

Your Star of Bethlehem

by John Henry  •  Sometimes traumatic worldly events cause us to reconsider many of our feelings, hopefully resulting in our recommitment to walking the path home to Spirit. Rejecting a seemingly unjust picture, I’m reminded of my first imaginings of the world and how I wanted it to be when I was young. In light of recent events, I’ve recommitted myself to controlling my thoughts, keeping them focused on goodness, on evolution—not just for me, but for all my loved ones and the planet itself.

I learned how to meditate years ago. Although we can’t escape our karma, I’ve learned over the years that it’s best to face it head-on if you can. Keep your feet on the path, and slowly karma falls away. Each one of us is completely responsible for our own lives and what is happening to us, what we are thinking and feeling.

For me the hardest thing is to stop my mind from thinking. I’ve been successful at many things I’ve tried to do in my life, but I would say that my success at stopping my mind is poor. Yet, I’ve learned that if you make one hundred percent commitment to serving Spirit and walking the path, there’s a certain peace and strength that comes to you. It allows your soul to overpower your mind and not let thoughts take strong hold of you. You can keep going and trying, and watch your success grow.

Knowing the outcome will be better, I think we all want to do God’s will, not our own. We each have our own Star of Bethlehem to follow through life, to get to that place where we meet the Christ Light (and enlightenment), just as the wise men met the baby Jesus. God is always showing us the way. We just need to control our thoughts and make ourselves aware enough to perceive the hints and the little thoughts and signs that God is giving us to lead us home—signs that lead us to being our true, most fulfilled selves.

If you make that internal commitment to serve the Divine one hundred percent, you’ll find that I Am That I Am is providing all the strength and direction that you need to succeed. Nothing short of that will allow your heart to feel right.

A Blessing from Jupiter & Saturn

A Blessing from Jupiter & Saturn

It is an initiation of sorts to have Jupiter and Saturn appearing so close to each other in our skies. Not since 1226 has humankind viewed this phenomenon. These two planets stand at the portal between the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and our solar system’s far off outer planets, and beyond. Their conjunction indicates a “Reality Check,” for us on Earth. They symbolizes the gateway between physical birth and spiritual realization.

Jupiter helped shape the Solar System, and continues to be the planet receiving the most frequent comet impacts. It is an enormous planet, 11 times the radius of Earth, with a mass greater than 2 and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar system combined. It is one of the brightest objects in our night sky.

In Sanskrit, Jupiter is called Guru, It radiates spiritual wisdom, good judgement, free will, beneficence, youthfulness, joy, abundance, and unconditional love. Jupiter gives us a new look at the big picture of our life, and helps us understand how we can fulfill our purpose here. This friendly planet bestows optimism and trust in life, helping us plan and take action for a better life.

Saturn is the second largest planet, Jupiter being the largest. Saturn is the farthest planet from Earth that we can see without a visual aid. Nine times wider than Earth, if Earth was a nickel in size, Saturn would be a volleyball. It has sixty moons and a complex ring system extending far into space.

Saturn is far from the Sun, distant and cold. It is called Shani in Sanskrit, and upholds discipline, responsibility, structure, boundaries and limitations, time, aging and karma, or Law. The law demands that you reap what you sow with your actions, thoughts and desires.

Viewing these giants of our Solar System should inspire us to reexamine our lives, our goals, our values. We are creating our future with every breath. It is wise to let go of what does not serve our highest good, so that which is uplifting and more appropriate can enter and enrich our lives. Being disciplined in our thoughts, actions and intentions is being in harmony with Saturn. Using free will to develop our spiritual nature, and find our best direction in life is being in harmony with Jupiter. These planets in our December sky symbolize the “Reality Check” in which 2020 is culminating.   


12 Keys to Christmas

12 Keys to Christmas

In the beginning, the 12 days of Christmas were 12 steps to Divine Realization. Farther back than we can remember, the Ancients knew this symbol, a Rainbow Path Key and spiritual wormhole leading to all wisdom, all space, and all time.

Wisdom keepers who’ve been through the wormhole are returning the Rainbow Path Key back to humankind’s awareness. Each one who strives to embrace this wisdom tears free a part of the net of ignorance holding all humans in bondage.

Let us rejoice for the Ancient Rainbow Path unveiled, a precious gift that, when fully opened, reveals the true Christ-Mass, Divine Consciousness. Each day we can find more Joy and ecstasy as we grow in Divine Love, the heart of this teaching.

Join us virtually in 2021 as we explore, and learn. We are Astronauts of Inner Space, wandering the worlds of our divine birthright, and finding new strength and understanding within.

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