The last weekend of July, Sunburst residents and attendees were busy at our annual Summer Kriya Retreat. It is one of our favorite events because we get to share the things that are near and dear to our hearts: love for spirit, love for each other and love for the Earth. It is a great time to establish a meditation practice, or to rededicate and re-inspire our existing practice. Three foundation techniques of meditation are taught. Restorative and pranayama yoga, as well as devotional singing are some of the other activities offered.

As with all Sunburst events, nurturing, healthy meals were served at this year’s summer Kriya event. Much of the food had been grown on Sunburst’s Organic Farm. Mealtimes in the beautiful lodge dining room were relaxed and people had a chance to visit and get to know each other better.

One of the concluding ceremonies included a new garden dedication on the Sanctuary premises. This community garden will be used by residents and visitors alike, and help provide food for Sunburst’s weekly Sunday brunches. (Every Sunday morning service is followed by a brunch.) The new garden has a Hopi sun design with three beds indicating each of the four directions. In the center of the garden a tree was planted to represent the beginning or emergence of creation. Everyone present planted sunflower seeds in the garden. These flowers are known to track the sun—their faces turn throughout the day—much the same way that we are striving to track the spiritual sun that shines within us.

Heiko, Steven, Jake and Helge planting the center tree in the new Hopi garden.
Planting the center tree

The main event of the weekend was Kriya initiation during which the ancient Sun technique of meditation was passed on to the participants. I have been receiving this technique for almost forty years, and am always in awe of the sacred energy filling the room. The very act of breathing light into our bodies is both profound and uplifting. I always leave feeling a deep connection to all of the spiritual beings that have paved the way before us, including our own dear teacher, Norman Paulsen.

Connection through selfless service and love

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