by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder    In our self-conscious state of mind, we often think our Creator is so far away, someplace other than within us. We think: “Maybe It’s out there in space…” or “He’s on a mountaintop.”

The Divine’s consciousness inhabits the space between each atom, between each subatomic particle in our bodies. Meditation is so important to each of us, because in the silence of our beings we can find this space where the Divine is. Just sit and be still. Pray that God will reveal himself, herself to you.

When we can perceive the center of our own consciousness, that smallest of all places within us, we can perceive God. We can hear the perpetual chant of AUM, of HUM. We can then perceive the Divine’s voice speaking to us—a real conversation with God. We hear words, actual replies to our questions.

What a wondrous thing it is that we have the ability within us to communicate with the Divine. So few really practice it! Yet, nothing on Earth is more important.

Jesus said: Seek first the kingdom of God, and: The kingdom of God is within you. How can we find it within us? We find it through true prayer and meditation.

O beloved Mother, we dedicate this day to your beautiful Earth, your garden floating in infinity. What a jewel it is! We dedicate our energy and our lives today to helping preserve your garden here for your children, now and in the future. It is a blessing to be a caretaker of your Earth, so full of your Spirit.

We love you Father! We love you Mother! Open our consciousness to your presence. This day, let us all become warriors of light and truth, that we may go forth in your will and your guidance to help your world and your children. Amen

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