Sunday Meditation Gatherings
~ 10:30 a.m. every Sunday ~ Are you looking for a peaceful, joyous meditation? Come and enjoy Sunday meditation service live in person. Recordings of…
Tuesday Evening Meditation on Zoom
Experience the power of group meditation! ~ Online offering every Tuesday ~ Sunburst’s founder, Norman Paulsen, and his teacher, Paramahansa Yogananda,…
Relax Renew Recharge Weekend Retreat
REGISTRATION Online registration is available through February 19; after that date, call 805.736.6528 to inquire about availability. All activities…
Sunburst Art Series: Simple Steps To Clarify Your Vision
Cold/Flu/COVID Precautions: Anyone with cold/flu/COVID symptoms or a positive diagnosis or test result is asked to stay home, and a full refund…
Dive Into Silence – Spring Silent Retreat
Looking for ways to befriend silence? At this group silent retreat: • Explore and experience powerful practices that leave you feeling aware and…
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