by Norm Paulsen, Sunburst Founder    [photo: horses at Sunburst Sanctuary]   Pure consciousness is ecstasy. It is living with a deep appreciation for every microsecond of time. It is being alive, and being involved in life. That is pure consciousness, and I’m sure dolphins have it, along with many others in the animal kingdom. Dolphins swim playfully, talk to each other, and have regard for humans, even as humankind’s actions are destroying them and their habitat. Some consider dolphins to be less conscious than humans because they can’t build skyscrapers or send a rocket to the Moon. But these actions don’t portray pure consciousness.

Many years ago I had the good fortune to become close to a horse named Jato and discovered that horses have expanded consciousness. Animals live in greater regard for nature’s laws than many human beings do. If people enjoyed the level of consciousness that most animals have, they would not pollute the Earth and destroy each other needlessly.

In my relationship with Jato, whom I loved very much, I gradually discovered that thoughtforms in the form of mental images were a way to communicate with him. As we were together more, our communication evolved beyond thoughtforms and mental images. It became a voice contact on the spiritual plane, an audible thought transference.

One day I came into the field where Jato was dozing in the sun. He was standing all the way at the other end of the pasture with his tail toward me. Wild oats growing in the field were about three or four feet high. I got down low in the oats and decided to test his ability. In thought I yelled loudly, “Jato! Jato!” Peeking through the grass, I saw his head jerk up. He turned, looking over his back at the field behind him. All of a sudden he spun around and came galloping very fast through the oats toward me.

I thought, “Jato, if you don’t see me, you’re going to run right over me!” There wasn’t even time to jump up before he arrived. Of course, he didn’t run over me. I stood up as he ran around me kicking and whinnying.

Mentally he projected, “Who do you think you’re talking to?  Do you think because I’m a horse that I don’t have the ability to know where you are if I want to?”

I salute you,” I said inwardly as he came close to greet me. I learned a lot from Jato! I saw how much I had to learn, and how much the animal kingdom really does know. Having thought I was somewhat developed at the time, I was astonished to discover my ignorance.

Jato told me that all horses are like him and don’t bother with humans who think horses are dumb beasts, because those humans wouldn’t be able to hear them even if the horses did try to communicate. I’m sure dolphins and other animals are the same way. Birds, cats, all talk in mental images. Everything in nature will talk to you telepathically, if you believe that you have the ability to converse and give it an opportunity.

Humankind has a chance to survive on this world, if we listen. We need to deeply listen and continue to practice what’s right, to persevere until we attain illumination. Then we will begin to understand how to live in harmony with nature, our Earth, and the animal kingdom.

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