by Norman Paulsen • One morning while meditating, I experienced a vision. I found myself standing on the ridge above the lodge at our wilderness sanctuary. In the vision, I was looking out across the hills and up the canyons, It was foggy and the sky was gray. I wondered what the meaning was for this early morning vision. Then I noticed it showed that the livestock gate was open to the mesa.

As I drove to the sanctuary several hours later, Spirit said, “You’d better check the bulls.” So I went up the road and onto the mesa. Out towards the water tanks I saw two of the younger bulls, but none of the older ones. I looked all around, then went back up the ridge toward the gate. Here was the same scene that had been shown to me in my meditation earlier that morning. Upon reaching the gate, I could see that someone had left it open. It was clear that the older bulls were now loose on the sanctuary somewhere! We had a big job to do now!

This experience continued to show me that we can be in tune with God, with life, with our projections and responsibilities. Yes, we can receive direction and inspiration to help us see things BEFORE they happen, and try to prevent them, or make them easier to deal with. After many years of meditating daily, I cannot function correctly in my work and carry out my day if I don’t go to the well of Spirit and drink with God. It has become a habit for me to sit down and meditate each morning.

To meditate in the morning with the rising sun is to bring the sweetness of God’s presence into our life for the whole day, to receive instruction mentally and visually. We arrive at the right time and the right place for the right thing to happen for us, not too early or too late. When we are on God’s time, meditating and praying every morning, wondrous things begin to happen in our lives. We see God fulfilling our selfless desires, and freeing us up for the journey ahead.

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