By Sharon Ray
Last night I came back to my cabin after dark, but I had left the porch light on so was able to see into the birdbath which has been the friend of so many birds AND bees this year. To my surprise, there at the edge of the water sat a little frog. He was so small and plump that “Adorable” must be the name his mama gave him. He was totally content. His body was halfway submerged and he was in such a state of deep relaxation (bordering on bliss), that he did not stir although I passed within a couple feet of him.
I was completely charmed, and could have left it at that, but I began to think in terms of wonder at this tiny creature: how on earth did he get up into that birdbath? It stands about three feet off the ground supported by a slippery plastic pole which he could not have climbed. He must have actually JUMPED up there; but how did he know that there was water in the bowl? He could not have seen it from the ground, being only knee high to a blue jay.
So here is my story…
Froggy was born in a little pool far up the valley. A pool that has long since dried out in this summer drought. Froggy was thirsty, and he longed to be cool and slimy all over.
“Fugetabout it, pal,” his friends told him. “We are all gonna die of thirst, there ain’t no water ‘round here nowheres.”
But Froggy believed in his heart that somewhere he would find what he needed and longed for, and that the Lord would help him locate it. So, with a fervent prayer for help and protection, he set out to find water.
This was no easy task since Froggy was so little and the valley was so big. Froggy put out his best effort, travelling at night as smart froggies do. He stopped once or twice to sing and keep his spirits up.
After days and days (which is equivalent to years and years in human terms), froggy got wind of a sense, the sense that water was around somewhere not too far. He came upon this tall structure (three feet was very tall) with a bowl on top.
“I can’t SEE water, but I just KNOW it’s there!” said Froggy with the faith that could have moved mountains of water. He took three deep, yogic breaths and JUMPED with all his might off of my porch step and landed on target in the middle of my birdbath.
“Ahh, water! Thank you God!” little Froggy exclaimed with all his heart.
Swimming in gratitude, he moved himself to the edge of the bath where he relaxed. He contemplated the goodness of God and how much God loves him that He would lead him to the cool waters.
The Lord, seeing how much Froggy loved Him, stretched out His hand of Grace, and blessed the little frog right into Samadhi.
That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.
Now, Froggy, was in dire circumstances and near death from drought, yet he had the courage to travel far and pray and believe in his salvation, and he found and received it. Can I not then do the hard things that I know I must do to share his same destiny? Everyone knows for himself what he must give up, do, or practice in order to win the Pearl of Great Price.
Oh, let’s all JUMP!