What a wonderful start we had to 2020, a year ago, with Sunburst’s January 6, 2020, Kriya Retreat. From the photo you can see it was well attended. This brings us to our current unique opportunity:
   On January 9, 2021 Sunburst is offering a …Kriya Initiation Renewal, via Zoom, for anyone who has attended a Sunburst Kriya Initiation. Contact the Sunburst office to attend: 805-736-6528, [email protected].
   Sunburst Sanctuary is constantly being prepared for its reopening to the public. Work is ongoing to maintain and improve the property and it’s structures. The grounds, fields, crops and animals are lovingly cared for. Hiking trails are routinely kept open, and communications kept up and running.
   It will be a glorious day when the gates can open again for Sunday Meditation services and fellowship. Let us all continue to be safe, stay well, and be ready for a wonderful reunion in person when that day arrives.