By Sharon Ray
I’m waking up to gratitude for the AMAZING life God has given me. I feel that if there is one thing we can do to truly bless God in this life, it is to BE HAPPY. The Divine lives in us. If we are happy, He feels our happiness. If we are discontent and down hearted, She feels that too. It’s like being in love and waking up next to my beloved. Would I say, “Good morning, Honey. Life is so hard. I’m so depressed.” What kind of partner would THAT be, lol! No, for the sake of my Beloved, I must wake up and say, “Good morning, Darling! It’s a new day! I can’t wait to go on many adventures with You today. Oh, let’s LOVEÂ this world together. I’m so thankful that you are in my life!”I just made myself a mug of Yogi tea, and guess what the tag says!
“The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment.”
I’m going to go make another cup of tea…this one is for God.