by Sunburst Founder, Norman Paulsen  •  (Part 1 was posted on November 30, 2020)

What happens when we open the inner-dimensional door at the crown of our head, asking and coaxing the “sap” to flow from the divine Source into our tree of life? The divine Spirit begins to awaken into its all-pervading Christ consciousness! Christ Jesus stated that he came to bring us life and bring it more abundantly. The creative breath of life and consciousness of Christ is breathed into us and our immortality is realized.

Christ Jesus also stated: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” The pressure, or knocking sensation you may feel at the crown of your head while meditating, is the touch of the divine Christ-conscious Being, breathing the breath of life into you more abundantly. Let the breath of immortality take possession of you!

If we allow our little egos, our self-conscious selves, to desire this more than anything else, then I Am That I Am, the Christ, will come. By circulating the life force up and down our spines in meditation, as taught in Kriya Yoga, keeping the door on the crown of our heads open to the divine brilliance of the first creation of Light, that Presence will be attracted to come into us! We must open the door and ask with all our live, with all our desire, offering up our life force, our tithe to God!

We are living in these bodies and yet have no idea of the potential of the consciousness that created them. Even as God does now, in Christ consciousness all the geometrical patterns in nature could be understood and contained within this incredible computer mind that we have. We do not use the total capacity of the great higher brain. Imagine if we could! This upper stratum of the cerebrum is built to contain the messages of all the vibrating atoms in creation. It was created by God for God to inhabit in the sons and daughters of man.

We have the ability within us to understand everything that has ever been created—to literally be one with I Am That I Am, while here on this Earth, walking in these bodies. We are standing on the threshold of such a transition now for humanity. I Am That I Am wants to walk on this Earth, to be able to share our lives 100 percent.

We have been given free will to love or deny this great Being. We can destroy the worlds God has created, or we can caretake them and beautify them. We can become the true sons and daughters of God, the caretakers of creation. That is why we have been given the tool of Kriya meditation. Through it we can re-establish our connection, our oneness with the blazing Light of the face of God at the divine center of creation.

Yes, now is the time to open ourselves to receive that great Force, that Light, that Life, more abundantly. We are created in the image and likeness of this whole creation, God’s kingdom. It all exists within us. We have but to realize it. And what does it mean when we do? It doesn’t mean we’re special. It simply means we become divine caretakers of the creation. We become heirs, one with I Am That I Am, true sons and daughters caring for the creation with willing hands, accomplishing the divine will wherever we go, as best we can, every day.



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