by Sunburst Founder, Norman Paulsen  •  If the kingdom of heaven is within you, as the son of man from Galilee stated, then it can be known to you. But how do you find it? How do you perceive it? How do you get there? Through the ancient teachings of the Solar Logos, the Light of Consciousness, the living Christ, the way is always open!

The ancients described our spinal column as the Tree of Life, with the roots (hair) anchored in heaven, and the First Light of creation. Yes, each one of us is indeed like an inverted tree. This means that our great upper brain, called the upper chamber, exists inner-dimensionally in that region where Light originally first burst forth projecting the great expanding sphere of creation.

In each one of us, the tree of life carries the sap, or the Breath of Life that comes forth from the inner Cosmic Sun, the first creation of Light, the body of Christ. It enters into us through the roots of our hair, descending through the door at the crown of our heads—the place that was open and beating with each heartbeat when we were infants. Without that life coming into our bodies, our hearts cease to beat, our senses cease to function, our life in this body ends.

The inner-dimensional tree of life in our spinal column is hollow, like a tunnel. The breath of life flows through the center of our inner-dimensional tunnel and outward into the causal, astral and physical dimensions of our being. The astral body resembles a vibrating electrical tree full of colors, like a rainbow at times.

Yes, in illumination, our body is a Christ-mass tree crowned with a star, the Cosmic Sun. The astral body supports the flesh, the physical body and the fruits thereof. Through the inner-dimensional tunnel in our spine the Light of Christ, as the breath of life, flows from the center of creation into us. This means that within us exists, inner-dimensionally, the totality of everything that I Am That I Am ever projected from the smallest of all places outward into the creation.

The kingdom of heaven is indeed within us to find, as Christ Jesus stated! We are made in the image of our God! Our bodies and our souls are divinely connected to that infinite Source, that life-giving Being, that consciousness, that unconditional divine Love. Yes, I Am That I Am is in each of us, dreaming momentarily that He or She is our little individual self-conscious ego. (Part 2 follows on Dec. 8. Fall photos of Sunburst Retreat Center are shown.) 


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