by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • In stillness, God’s presence is revealed to us. When the thoughts have quieted down and the breath has become obedient, the soul stirs in us to meet our Maker, our Creator, our Beloved. We are all connected to this Being of Light. We are all children of this Divine Mother and Father.
What a miracle it is that God is with us in our deep meditations, in stillness and in love, as we communicate with the reality of our immortal souls. Yes, God says we are all immortal, dreaming this life in all its beauty and its sorrows. God longs to speak to us in the silence of our meditations, to give us comfort, support, and direction in our lives. As often as we remember that God exists in the center of our souls, we are blessed.
Master Yogananda used to say: “In the humdrum activity of this world, it is so hard to stop and remember that God is the doer, not the individual self.” God is the doer if we allow, if we remember. When we take the time to sit down in silence and talk to Him, to Her, with our heart’s devotion, our love can find its source in God. Our love finds its fulfillment in seeking God.
Follow the breath up and down the spine with your consciousness. This is our inner-dimensional tunnel that leads to God. At the crown of our heads the infinite Christ Light, like the sun, burns so brightly, illuminating our souls. The presence of God descends like a silken garment upon each soul who calls for God to reveal the light of his presence.