By Sharon Ray

We have just stepped into the time of year when the sun is in the sign of Sagittarius. The strength of this sign is the virtue of humility. When trying to understand and more deeply embody this virtue, one can make use of defining its opposite: pride. Pride says, “I’m better than you,” whereas, humility gives a person the true vision that every single human being has equal value because God lives in every heart!

Humility dissolves the conditioning that has taught us, “My level of education makes me superior;” or, “My financial status makes me superior.” Don’t forget, “My good looks make me superior;” and possibly the most outrageous, “My deep spirituality makes me superior.”

zpencil-drawings-jesus-356x478But love doesn’t WANT to be higher. Love wants to be joined together as one, like two hands with fingers interlaced.

Love and humility cannot be separated. Permeated with humility, one feels love and respect for every other person (and creature), and feels the desire to serve and uplift them. Gone is the sense of high and low, “me” and “them.” Arising is the sense of “us” and “we,” and of caring about others as much as we care about ourselves.

Selfishness begins to fall away, being replaced by compassion. A tender and shocking transformation takes place and we begin to see and feel that our needs are not more important than the needs of the person next to us. We are equal. Humility cuts the chains that bind us to a self-centered life, setting us free on the wings of love.

Jesus was a great teacher of humility by his personal example. He washed the feet of his disciples and taught them that they should also wash one another’s feet. He was teaching us to serve one another with love, and not to consider status in this world.

Humility is harmlessness, “Ahimsa” in Sanskrit. Jesus taught the importance of harmlessness and revealed that what we do to one another, for good or ill, we also do to Spirit, because Spirit lives in each and every heart.

Beloved God, help me to develop true humility in myself, recognizing the equality of every human being. May I see You in all lifeforms. Fill my heart with Your love so that I may embrace every person in a spirit of respect and service, truly and deeply caring about their welfare equally with my own. May the way I live my life be pleasing to You.

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