• by Jake Collier (with Dawn King) • The bodies we inhabit are incredible creations, more sophisticated than any supercomputer. Part of the Creator’s plan is that vital actions in these bodies can be carried out without us having to think of them every time they’re needed (like breathing). The original purpose for this was to perpetuate happiness, joy, and closeness with our Creator. Because we have free will, the downside is that we can easily establish habits, including ones that aren’t good for us.
A new study tells us that it takes about 66 days of effort to start (or break) a habit. Meditation is a wonderful tool that can help us establish good habits and get rid of any negative ones. It can even help us reflect and realize that we have a habit that doesn’t serve us. Kriya meditation actually helps us burn up the karma of negative habits.
Association with people who are living the ideals you aspire to can help you attain your goals. Another factor is willpower. Paramahansa Yogananda recommended that we find some pursuit or goal that would be challenging, then strive continually toward it, until we achieve it. This builds willpower, as well self-confidence and strength of character.
Our evening meditations are the best time to reflect on our thoughts and actions of the day, and to make resolutions for the next day. We want our habits and actions to lead us into a state of spiritual ecstasy. The energy of our Creator permeates this whole creation. The more we draw it in, drink it, consume it, the stronger our will becomes. We want our habits to lead us toward illumination, to feel the joys of increased life, and the indescribable comfort of being embraced by love divine.