by Heiko Wirtz  •  One morning my phone rang very early. When I answered, Norm, founder of Sunburst was saying “Heiko, I want you to drive to the ranch right away and go up on the mesa. Spirit showed me that one of the bull pasture gates is open, and the bulls are heading that way.”

Not anxious to jump out of bed so early, I said, “Really? How do you know this?”

In a matter-of-fact tone he said, “I was flying over there in my inner vision and saw it.” That ended the conversation.

I threw on my clothes and hurried off toward the mesa. Bulls are normally kept in a pasture by themselves. If the bulls got out of their pasture, they would wander into the 800 acre hilly pasture beyond. And they would quickly be mixed in with the cows and calves, a mess to sort out later.

Sure enough when I got there, the mesa gate was wide open and the bulls were only about 50 feet away. I ran to close the gate. Soon Norm showed up in his white Suburban. He had a big smile on his face, like the whole thing happened just to show me something about life. “God wants to be a cowboy, too,”  he said.

Right then I realized that God is interested in everything we do. If we could only imagine what this means! What an ally we can have in our lives! Everything we do is observed by the Great Immensity. All we have to do in return is open our hearts, our desire, our thoughts, and allow that greater experience to be there with us. 

When our consciousness is aware of Spirit’s presence alongside of us and inside of us, we magnetize Spirit with our desire, and we become witnesses and doers within this great divine creation. 

I Am That I Am,
Thank you for your ever-present watchfulness over us.
Help me remember your presence every moment.
May I go forth knowing that you are always with me

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