To meditate deeply requires us to sit very still; still in mind as well as body. Actually doing so, of course is a problem that we all have in varying degrees. It is important, though, because God’s voice inside of us is a quiet one that only grows louder as we make the effort to listen to it. That means stilling ourselves to all of the other voices around and within us.

If you live with other people, and they are not also trying to meditate, then there can be quite a bit of distraction around you. If so, try to meditate after everyone else is in bed, or have a set time for meditation when others agree to be quiet. Having a regular time for meditation also helps your body and mind become accustomed to that time and makes it easier to be still. A comfortable pair of ear plugs could also help.

When you stretch before meditating, it relaxes your body and prepares your mind for the idea that you are about to be still. Three slow deep breaths in and out can energize you at the start of the day, or let go of a busy day when it’s over.

At home and at work, there is always more than enough to do, but the spiritual path needs to be a balanced one. We need to convince ourselves that making time specifically for Spirit is important. Spirit created us and gave us free will. That’s because our love for Spirit would mean nothing if we were all programmed like robots to love our Creator. By our free will we can choose to love Spirit and make time to express it: “Nothing else matters as much to me right now than sitting in quiet meditation to experience Your Presence.”

Helpful to meditation is the practice of God’s presence in all that you do throughout the day. Being still within involves training our mind to be one-pointed; we can make an effort to keep the mind from wandering during daily activities. Likewise, we can maintain focus on Spirit as the doer through us.

Sunburst’s Founder, Norman Paulsen shared:
By continually planting positive seeds of focused meditation, and making the effort to live as Spirit intended us to live, we overcome the negative forces—we split the darkness around us, and experience the Divine with its radiant spheres of brilliant light. Once seeing, we know.

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