The Divine Gardener
By Sharon Ray
In hard times, may the Sufi story of “The Good Gardner and the Pea” help to bring us into peace and equanimity.
There once was a Good Gardner who planted the seed of a pea bush. He first chose a spot in his garden where the light would be just right for the bush to grow strong and healthy. He amended the soil and carefully planted the seed. Then the good gardener watched over it, watering it every day and keeping away the weeds. Under his care, the little bush grew until it had large pea pods all over it.
One day, very pleased, the Good Gardner went out and picked his peas. He boiled a pot of water on the stove and shelled the peas into it. One little pea cried out from the boiling water,
“Why are you doing this to me! I thought you loved me!”
The Good Gardner looked into the pot with all love and answered the little pea: “Because, little pea, I’m about to take you into myself.”
May all of us who are facing difficult challenges understand that our pain and suffering is growing us, tenderizing us, and making us ready to be consumed by the Divine Gardener.
Father-Mother God, I thank you that I am on the path homeward. Make me ready for union with you; to see as you see; to love as you love; to be fully united unto your very existence, consciousness, and bliss. Amen