Kriya Initiation Renewal

Kriya Initiation Renewal

What a wonderful start we had to 2020, a year ago, with Sunburst’s January 6, 2020, Kriya Retreat. From the photo you can see it was well attended. This brings us to our current unique opportunity:
     On January 9, 2021 Sunburst is offering a …Kriya Initiation Renewal, via Zoom, for anyone who has attended a Sunburst Kriya Initiation. Contact the Sunburst office to attend: 805-736-6528, [email protected].
     Sunburst Sanctuary is constantly being prepared for its reopening to the public. Work is ongoing to maintain and improve the property and it’s structures. The grounds, fields, crops and animals are lovingly cared for. Hiking trails are routinely kept open, and communications kept up and running.
     It will be a glorious day when the gates can open again for Sunday Meditation services and fellowship. Let us all continue to be safe, stay well, and be ready for a wonderful reunion in person when that day arrives.

Birthday of Paramahansa Yogananda

Birthday of Paramahansa Yogananda

January 5    the birthday of Paramahansa Yogananda.

Today we honor Master Yogananda, the direct teacher of Sunburst’s founder, Norman Paulsen. Yogananda taught Norman to meditate, and opened his mind and heart to the ancient Kriya Yoga path of spiritual growth. Following is an excerpt from Paramahansa Yogananda:
      A small cup cannot hold an ocean within itself. However, through the definite science of meditation known for millenniums to the yogis and sages of India, and to Jesus, any seeker can enlarge the caliber of his [her] consciousness to omniscience—to receive the Universal Intelligence of God.
     Jesus did not go through the sublime drama of his life merely to provide sermon material for generations of preachers and their Sunday audiences. He lived, died and was gloriously resurrected as an inspiration to others to live a divine life and attain in themselves his experiences of God and the afterlife. The Christ consciousness of Jesus can be brought into the souls of all who make the effort to receive it.

Humanity Is Being Reshaped

Humanity Is Being Reshaped

by Dawn King  •  We’re at a crossroads and a rebirth with the new year. There is much of 2020 we probably want to shake off, and put behind us.  In many ways this past year has brought us to our knees, humbled us, pointed out our vulnerability, and opened our hearts.

Humanity is being reshaped into the image and personality of its divine Creator, growing in unconditional love, and all that is virtue. As Hafiz states:
You have been invited to meet The Friend.
No one can resist a Divine Invitation.
That narrows down all our choices to just two:
We can come to God dressed for dancing,
Or be carried on a stretcher to God’s ward.*

This life offers us the opportunity to work on ourselves, to perfect our nature, and to uplift all of humanity with our personal efforts. We are learning to see through God’s eyes. The founder of Sunburst, Norman Paulsen put it another way:
I see worlds turn, galaxies spin,
while time moves on endlessly.
Beings come and go like leaves from the trees.
Listen and seek while you have the opportunity.
Think not lightly that God is calling you
because of your own heart’s desires.
Take full advantage of it.
Don’t give up until you find God.

* Hafiz Translation by Daniel Ladinsky from “I Heard God Laughing…”

12 Keys to Christmas

12 Keys to Christmas

In the beginning, the 12 days of Christmas were 12 steps to Divine Realization. Farther back than we can remember, the Ancients knew this symbol, a Rainbow Path Key and spiritual wormhole leading to all wisdom, all space, and all time.

Wisdom keepers who’ve been through the wormhole are returning the Rainbow Path Key back to humankind’s awareness. Each one who strives to embrace this wisdom tears free a part of the net of ignorance holding all humans in bondage.

Let us rejoice for the Ancient Rainbow Path unveiled, a precious gift that, when fully opened, reveals the true Christ-Mass, Divine Consciousness. Each day we can find more Joy and ecstasy as we grow in Divine Love, the heart of this teaching.

Join us virtually in 2021 as we explore, and learn. We are Astronauts of Inner Space, wandering the worlds of our divine birthright, and finding new strength and understanding within.

In This Bubble of Creation

In This Bubble of Creation

by Jake Collier  •  We clear our minds, still our bodies and open up our inner senses, so that we might taste the true reality of this life that exists within us and all around us. To truly know this reality and to truly understand ourselves and our relationship with the Creator, we have to experience it ourselves, individually.

We can be shown the way; we can be taught meditation techniques; but it is up to each one of us to make the effort, to make the journey. Libraries are full of books on how to, and which path is the right one. But the Divine can never be mentally understood. We have to experience it, to see the Creator’s shining face before our inner eye, to feel and hear God for ourselves. 

This bubble of creation continues to expand and grow. God’s life is in the bubble and all around it. Each of us has an opportunity, while we walk this Earth, to know and meet our Mother-Father-Creator face to face. It is our birthright. We are created in God’s image, each of us a spark of God residing in these containers we call bodies. 

When Jesus walked this Earth, he taught us that we should love one another, and treat each other like we would want to be treated. That was his ministry, his mission here. Sometimes the energies around us are very dark; sometimes love and understanding might seem far away. But we must keep trying, to be an example—giving to others, treating others with respect, manifesting light and love in everything we do, and practicing a meditation technique that can still our bodies, calm our minds, and stimulate the inner senses.

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