February Inspiration

February Inspiration

Submitted by Ischa Behary •
The great yogi and teacher, Paramahansa Yogananda, has written:
The mind of man is subject to change and limitation, but Cosmic Consciousness is free from all restrictions and is never involved in experiences of duality…life and death, disease and health, fleeting sorrow and fleeting joy, and so on. In the Divine Mind, an unchangeable perception is ever present.

The above concept is so beautifully captured in the following ancient Sanskrit Proverb, which emphasizes very subtly the importance of living and being totally immersed in the present moment, for in that moment is the expression of all life, all reality, all splendor!

In Light of the Heavens

In Light of the Heavens

The heavens, through astrology, speak to us of our potential to shine. We are never limited by our natal astrology charts or the transit of the moment. Instead, we are pointed toward an avenue of harmony with Nature’s order, and fulfilling our destiny to realize our best, and truest Self. Sunburst’s Founder shared a cosmic teaching about the zodiac and how it can guide and inspire us monthly.
The Sun, seen from Earth, is traveling through the constellation of Sagittarius, beginning November 22 and lasting until the evening of December 21st and Winter Solstice. This is a time when we are invited to open our minds and hearts in humble appreciation of the miracle of life. In meditating on this, we may just  touch the hem of the Creator, and be transformed forevermore into a more joyous, loving person.
Make Every Moment Count

Make Every Moment Count

By Norman Paulsen

Almighty Spirit, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Krishna, Buddha,
all ye teachers divine, illumined beings residing in the body of Christ,
meditate with us. Enter into us and reveal your presence
in the Light of God, through our consciousness today.

The man Jesus, through his sacrifice and his great love, became one with the body of Christ, that great spherical orb of brilliance that is God’s first creation. Years ago when we first began Sunburst, I awoke in a vision one night as the wind blew fiercely through the trees. A gigantic wooden cross was before me. On the cross was the body of a man crucified, his head down on his chest.

The spirits riding the gale began tearing his hands and feet loose from the spikes which held them. Suddenly, he fell upon the ground. The spirits of the wind fell silent. I jumped forward, trying to assist him. He began to push himself erect; his penetrating eyes were open and looking right through me, projecting a message of eternal love. I shall forever see those eyes! They are emblazoned in my heart. With my arms open wide, I thought to embrace him. But as he moved toward me, he disappeared within me! I heard his voice speak: You now have the authority to teach in my name those things that were not taught to the multitudes, but taught in secret.

As the years have passed, I have begun to understand the power and meaning of this incredible encounter as Jesus speaks to me from within. He wanted me to understand the story of salvation, the divine cosmology that exists within each one of us. All the realms in creation, and the brilliance of the body of Christ, await each one of us. He wants us to understand where we came from, what we are to do while we are here, and where we are going when we leave.

Jesus said, Enter thy closet when you pray. Yes, find a quiet place to meditate, pray and talk to God. Remember and know that all souls who have received Christ consciousness exist in that Light. They will administer to us this very moment, if we but ask. Practice meditation and imitate their lives. Our egos may put up a great fight, demanding that our will be done. We need to receive the Light of God, and the presence of the angels, and whomever that illumined being is that we wish to follow.

This life is so very short. We need to meet God face to face now, if God will permit. Make every moment count. Practice virtue and humility. As Jesus said, Not my will, but thy will be done through me. Let us surrender our will to God that we may receive the wisdom and power of God’s creative will.

Wandering in Wonder

Wandering in Wonder


Wandering in amazement, as I roam across this land.
            Wandering in wonder, amidst your miracles. 

Sailing on your oceans, your wind it fills our sails.
            I see you in the stars at night, and hear you in the waves. 

As the darkness of the starry night, gives way to the light of dawn
            Reds and oranges in the clouds foretell the promise of the day 

In the evening when the sun is going down
            The colors in the sky remind me of your presence

 Wandering in amazement, as I roam across this land.
            Wandering in wonder, amidst your miracles.

 In the trees of the forest, and the flowers in the meadows.
            I feel closest to you on the mountains ‘bove the trees.

 From ice fields in the mountains high, water flows down as it can
            Into majestic lakes that reveal you in my mind.

 Streams cascading down from lakes into rivers calm and wide,
            Reflecting the majesty of your creation.

 Wandering in amazement, as I roam across this land.
           Wandering in wonder, amidst your miracles.

 I know you in the flowers in the desert after rain.
           Your presence is so palpable, I know you and I are one.

Enjoying Silence

Enjoying Silence

By Valerie King

elephant2AdjAmidst the lush green landscape of Sunburst Sanctuary in late February, about fourteen people gathered for a silent retreat weekend. The elephant image shown is one of the group mandalas that participants enjoyed co-creating together. We also practiced walking and sitting meditations, listening to singing bowls, a grounding yoga session, and mindful eating, There was plenty of free time for rest and solitude

Everyone learned to carefully listen to and be ever so grateful for the sounds of life which are always all around, like the crunching of our footsteps, the singing creek, the croaking frogs, or simply our rhythmic breath. Silence in a group was powerful and soul-nourishing, transforming participants and facilitators alike with deep peace and strength to move forward in life.

What a necessity this kind of experience is, especially in these times on our planet. We hope many more people will be able to experience this healing retreat in times to come!


The Silent Retreat inspired me to write this poem.

Like a fish who longs for the waters,

As soon as I step into silence

Your Presence

Is so tangible.

Roaring around and through me…thick Air,

Thick with Spirit Divine.

You are always here,

Permeating every particle of my being,

Enfolding me in the Matrix of your Being,

Silence brings it to the fore

Sweet yet utterly powerful Om.

To be still is to Awaken.

Participants commented:

This is my new favorite retreat and one that will feel new and different each time I do it since the silence takes me on a unique journey.
– Michelle

I loved this opportunity for intentional silence. To be around other positive, intentioned energy without having to fill the space with narrative; to be able to work on creating more space within myself while not feeling secluded or alone—what a magical concept!
– Breana

The retreat was well conceived and planned; wonderful activities and the freedom to engage or not.
– Laura


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