Releasing Worry, Finding Peace

Releasing Worry, Finding Peace

  by Patty Paulsen    Singing at Sunburst’s Sunday service, and listening to the music, quiets our thoughts, so we become very attentive to this very moment of being totally present, totally alive and awake. We experience the movement within our heart as it opens up, and we feel the devotion and love expressed in music. It brings forth within us a peace that is very nourishing.

We can cultivate that peace. It’s always here; it’s eternal. We can do many outward things to cultivate peace in our life. For one, associate with people that have a sense of peace, because it’s contagious. You feel comfortable around them. You feel peaceful too.

We can be mindful of what we nourish our body with. Does it agitate our system? And how does it affect our mind? Is it healing and nourishing?

The greatest work to do in cultivating peace starts within. We can take the most wonderful vacation and get away from it all, but still carry our restless mind and anxious thoughts with us. We’ll never find peace if we don’t start looking for it within ourselves.

That’s the wonderful gift and grace of using a proven tool of meditation. It can tap into that natural peace within. Meditation brings it forth so you can carry it with you in your daily practice of life.

Sit comfortably upright, and still. Sit so you are comfortable and attentive. Notice how much tension you’re carrying in your body. We are bombarded by so much—outer thoughts and activities, anxiety and worry. Sometimes without our even knowing, its piles up in our body.

Mentally scan your body; relax and release tension to create space. You may notice as you release gripping tension, you also release the breath. It moves freer in your body. At the very end of your exhaling breath it dissipates into a neutral background and the new breath comes in from the same place, the same neutral background, the silent witness of just being present.

You’ll notice this neutral background where the breath dissolves, and where it arises again. Breath has an effect on our mind, our thoughts. There is less of a grip in the mind; it too begins to relax, release, and feel more spacious. The inattentive mind can run frantic with thoughts, running to the future, going back in the past. Like watching a train pass in front of us, it’s going so fast with thoughts. But as we begin to watch the breath, the thoughts begin to slow down.

That same neutral witness, that same neutral back drop, that never changes, never jumps into the future, never goes back into the past. It’s totally present. The more we stay in that place, observing that silence witness, the less we get carried away by the train of thoughts. We can pause between our thoughts, by pausing between the inhaling and exhaling breath. In meditation, this pause begins to lengthen naturally on its own. This is the place of peace that surpasses all understanding. It’s a peace in which our ego surrenders, and the mental critic is gone.

The inner critic, that finds fault with everything dissolves. In it’s place, the neutral witness of just being present allows you to feel the peace and joy of being alive, fully alive, fully present in this place.

In this state, we can connect to the center of our soul, to the pure self, to who we truly are. And when we feel this connection, the heart opens up and allows us to stay here. We feel the Divine Presence; we have a center to be a part of, a center to give us the security that we need. We don’t feel empty or alone. Allowing thoughts and feelings to come up later, we don’t grasp and hold them as our own.

And when we find this peaceful, non-judgmental place within us, we see the perfection in other people, and everything around us. We can see what’s behind their personalities, their thoughts, and actions. Our little judging ego steps aside and we just see who we really are, and how connected we truly are to one another.

This peaceful center is where we hear intuition speak to us. We have that pause, that moment to help us make the right choices in life, if we listen. The more we cultivate this awareness, this Presence, the more we’ll be conscious of it throughout our day.

When you catch yourself wandering, just bring yourself back and be present in this space, this spirit; feel the peace of being at home in the present. Staying in this neutral place allows you to partake in life all the more. When you take a walk in nature, you are not thinking of tomorrow or what you did yesterday, but you are present, aware of the wind blowing through the trees, the feeling of the earth beneath your feet. You’re hearing the animals call for their young, noticing the vibrancy of colors, seeing  the sacred geometric patterns in nature.

Every morning in meditation, catch that moment of peace, and carry it with you throughout the day. As we calm our thoughts down, we see the light of consciousness, the pure self that we truly are. We feel our connection to all life, to all beings. We know we are loved, we are here for a reason, we are never alone, the Universe is supporting us every moment. Peace…Peace…Peace!

Banishing Blame

Banishing Blame

A person can fail many times, but they are not a failure until they begin to blame somebody else.

  Excerpt from Thich Nhat Hanh    When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don’t blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce.

Yet if we have problems with our friends or family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like the lettuce. Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason and argument.

That is my experience. No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding. If you understand, and you show that you understand, you can love, and the situation will change.

  More Notes on Blame and Success in Life 

When there is a problem, the best approach is to figure out the root cause. There can be a tendency to place blame, especially on others. Embracing accountability and responsibility helps us realize how we can do better as individuals, and as a group.

This requires an inner and outer environment in which it’s okay to accept responsibility; it’s okay to acknowledge you’ve made a mistake if you have. Then we need to move on in our thinking. Often the root cause of a problem is simply miscommunication, misunderstanding, or lack of information.

Introspection is vital for spiritual growth. It is helpful for group endeavors as well—periodical review of how well we’re doing.

Personal introspection and Self-affirmation helps us grow up as individualsto assess our progress on meeting our goals in life, and on being who we want to be. Likewise a group with a common vision (be it a family or a company) with self-organizing teams and good infrastructure, makes forward progress and detects problems quickly. And this is a perfect environment for individuals to feel like they are contributing.

The blame game is not for us. Being motivated by a heart of love and kindness benefits us all.

Miracles Everywhere!

Miracles Everywhere!

  by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder    [Prayer at a Sunburst group meditation. Thank you to Tom Rae for sharing his aurora borealis photo.]

Almighty Spirit, our Divine Father, our Divine Mother, we feel you alighting on the crowns of our heads, swirling down in your vortexes of light, touching our hearts, breathing in our lungs. We see glimpses of your light before us, through the eye of soul. You are the light of consciousness inhabiting all. You have fashioned each one of us so uniquely.

I see your miracles everywhere in the beauty of this creation. What a wonder it is to be alive in this body, to be able to meditate, to pray, to sing.

What a wonderful energy is produced in a gathering of souls, when the little self in each one joins You, the Great Self that created all of us. Like a bouquet, we offer this to You, Oh God.

Heal our minds and our bodies. Bless us with your presence. Let us feel You descending through the crowns of our heads. Let us see the light of your Cosmic Sun shining in inner space.

Oh Lord, You are the Great Comforter. You mothered us when we were babes, and you have taught us as we’ve grown. We turn to you now, and seek you in those days of life we have before us. We wish to know and serve you.

Reveal your presence to us more and more each day. In our prayers and meditations, all through our days, and when we wake in the darkness of the night, remind us of your presence.

We know You created each one of us, and You are here now as much as You ever will be. We need to discover You, to meet You, to feel your love in our hearts, and see that great light, your Cosmic Sun seen only by the eye of soul.

Divine One, when we pray to You in our meditations, if we listen deeply we can hear our voices in inner space; we have a voice in heaven! You listen to our prayers and answer us with a voice we can hear. In the great hall of the upper chamber within us, we meet You.

You are the light of soul existing in and around each thought. You know we are searching for You. You know our desires. You know our restlessness. You know our love for You. As we sit to meditate, You acknowledge all of this.

Almighty Spirit, our beloved Father and Mother, You are watching and waiting for us to give You our love and attention. You are here, residing within us. We are your children. We love You, Almighty Spirit.

Constantly Calm

Constantly Calm

  by Dawn King    During this festive to frantic time of the year, we are especially challenged to maintain an even keel of mental and emotional calmness. Current planetary alignments reflect the fact that this will continue to be particularly challenging right through the end of the year. Keeping the following affirmations and quotes at hand in memory, or as a physical cue, can help us survive gracefully.

Daily meditation is the key to stilling the mind.

To control the breath is to control the mind.

Affirmation: I take a deep breath and realize this moment is a fleeting scene in a cosmic play. I remember that I am a divine spark of God manifesting in this physical body. A detached enjoyment of life helps me maintain my spiritual awareness.

Affirmation:  I relax and cast aside all mental burdens, allowing God to express through me perfect love, peace, and wisdom.

Sibylle Custer: This world we live in has been compared to a web. If you touch a spider web in one place, the whole web quivers. Our vibrations, our thoughts, what we do, all send a quiver through the web of this planet. May the vibrations that we each send out this moment, this day, be for the healing and comfort and upliftment of all.

Paramahansa Yogananda: God has given us one tremendous instrument of protection—more powerful than machine guns, electricity, poison gas, or any medic—the mind. It is the mind that must be strengthened.
     An important part of the adventure of life is to get hold of the mind and to keep that controlled mind constantly attuned to the Lord. This is the secret of a happy, successful existence. It comes by exercising mind power and by attuning the mind to God through meditation. Be in constant attunement with God.
     Talking with Arjuna, in the Bhagavad Gita God says: “The state of constant calmness (neutralization of restless thoughts) is attained by the continuous practice of meditation and by keeping the attention fixed at the point between the eyebrows. In this state of calmness, man witnesses the thoughts and emotions and their workings without being disturbed at all, reflecting in his consciousness only the unchangeable image of Spirit.

When You Least Expect It

When You Least Expect It

  by Fredd Dunham    At the beginning of my spiritual path, I was blessed with an experience that utterly changed my life. The events that led up to this experience remind me that God is always watching over us with divine love, watching and helping us with our choices in life, if we only ask.

As a young man in the early 1970s, a deep longing for Spirit awakened within me. I had been involved in many of the distractions of that era, but was struggling to find my way out. I heard about a meditation center in the mountains above Santa Barbara and was immediately attracted to the energy. I attended one of the meditations and met the founder, Norm Paulsen, who invited me to live in the downtown office of the retreat center as its caretaker.

At the time, I was not totally clear on the necessity of staying away from drugs, alcohol, and other distractions in order to live a spiritual life. So one day I accepted the invitation of an old friend to her party in the foothills of Santa Barbara. She asked me to bring firewood, and gave me money to pick up a bottle of wine.

I went back to the retreat office to load up the firewood, and ran into Norm there. I mentioned my plans as we sat down. Norm looked at me compassionately, then said: “If you want the experience of divine illumination, you won’t find it in something outside of yourself. As Jesus said, ‘The Kingdom of heaven is within you.’ It’s already there. Seek and you shall find.” I could feel the power of truth emanating from Norm as he quietly spoke.

After further discussion, he left to drive up the mountain and attend group meditation. I was alone, struggling to make my decision. My inner spirit was saying, “Yes I want to meditate and awaken God’s Spirit within me; this is what I want in life.” But my self-conscious mind argued, “You promised to go to the party, to bring the firewood, to buy the wine. You have to go! You promised!”

I loaded up the wood, but didn’t buy the wine, thinking that I would just give my friend her money back. I headed up to the party, praying fervently, while a battle was going on within me. The closer I got to the party, the more agitated I became as the struggle within me intensified.

The road to the party was full of curves as it gently climbed and wound in and out of canyons. Turning the first curve, I could see a huge, beautiful cloud above and in front of me. Each time I rounded a curve I would lose sight of it. Then around another curve, there it was again as if it was following me, watching me.

As I was about to round the last corner I realized I had to make a choice immediately. In my anguish, I cried out: “Oh God, I don’t want to tempt you, but please show me a sign!” Turning the next corner, I saw the huge cloud had changed. It had become a giant arrow pointing toward the top of the mountain, right toward the meditation retreat!

In the depths of my soul, a great sigh of relief expressed: “Thank you Lord!” I turned the car around and didn’t take my foot off the accelerator until I returned to the road that led to the retreat. Arriving just as meditation started, I joined the circle without a word.

It has been said that God comes when we least expect it. As I sat down in the meditation room, over my head I suddenly beheld the radiant, living body of Christ, a sphere of light brighter than the daytime sun. It was composed of ten thousand orbs of light—suns within a Sun. They were constantly moving at incredible speed, like bees outside of a hive, each one striking me on the crown of my head with divine power. I was filled with indescribably ecstasy, and knew in that moment what was meant by: “I stand at the door and knock.” The loving light of Christ eternally stands at that door on the crown of each person’s head, knocking and waiting to be invited to enter in.

This experience set my feet on the homeward path to Divine Spirit. Although it’s often hard to hold onto that energy in daily life, I know that God doesn’t look at how many times we fall, or what mistakes we make. Instead, our Divine Parents are very much like loving parents in this life who are watching their young child learn to walk. If the child falls, there’s no reproach, only love and encouragement to get up and try again. If we reach up one hand to Spirit, Spirit will reach down two to help us. 

The New Earth – A Dream for Humanity

The New Earth – A Dream for Humanity

•  by April •  The world I dream of living in, creating, and being a part of…

Society truly exists as one heart.
Being “real.”

  • Not wondering if someone is being honest.
  • Not hiding behind shadows.
  • Expressing oneself freely without fear/concern of being judged, because no one judges.
  • Having and being a friend where endless patience, support and encouragement is prevalent.
  • All animals are loved and revered and are protected from all harm.
  • Children are encouraged to be themselves. Starting in school by hearing the questions: What excites you? What makes you feel impassioned? What do you want to learn about? What are you curious about? What does your heart whisper to you? What is important to you? How best can you help others? What is love to you? These are a very small list of questions to jump start every child’s life journey.
  • Experiencing nature every day is commonplace.
  • Sunrises and Sunsets have deep meaning that everyone understands.
  • All the elements are experienced in a plethora of ways.
  • Everyone is encouraged to be their best self. No matter how many lessons it takes, or how long it takes, knowing you are loved and supported, and
  • you will eventually be the best version possible.
  • All talents are recognized, needed and appreciated.
  • All jobs/responsibilities are honored. None better or more important than another.
  • Respect, kindness and gratitude are natural/common expressions.
  • The gifts of Mother Earth and all the elements are always loved, respected and understood.
  • Every person on Mother Earth, knows that everything they need for any reason lies within them.
  • All life’s wisdom is within every person’s heart flame.
  • It’s up to each individual to awaken the flames of creation.
  • Every human being knows to love themselves, the greatest love of all.
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